southofthetower t1_iunex7y wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
thank you for you explanation. I just feel it would have to be a very big flag pole if "Everyone" wanted to start flying their respective flags.
southofthetower t1_iuneqhn wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
I agree with that 100%. except on state lands.
southofthetower t1_iunekt4 wrote
Reply to comment by dollrussian in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
nothing is ingrained... I remember less than 2 decades ago, people were locked up because of their sexual preference and also because the color of their skin.... its actually quite the opposite actually, where this is new to this country. (late 60;s)
southofthetower t1_iune7l2 wrote
Reply to comment by dollrussian in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
If it is not a social flag, then what is it? again, I respect everyone, regardless of race, sexual orientation. But there is a reason for the separation between church and state.. But again, Im asking... why does the LGBTQ flag "DESERVE" to flown, when other similar flags cannot?
southofthetower t1_iunda2a wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
Victim complex? fitting.... this whole thread is about "victims" not being able to fly a flag... so who has the complex?
southofthetower t1_iuncx6r wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
I agree with that completely. However, this is not the states responsibility. if you want to fly a flag, no one is stopping you. pull a permit, buy a pole and privately fly it.... but I see an issue of forcing it on others, especially when paid for by the taxpayers... what if this scenario were reversed? Imaging this thought experiment.... imagine if all the LGBTQ's were nazis (IM NOT SAYING THEY ARE... Trying to make you think) WOUld it then be acceptable, if they wanted to fly their flag on state property...?
southofthetower t1_iunc9et wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
then what is the progressive left called? are they not extremist or hate? look here... all these "progressives" are the first one to denounce anything of substance and immediately name call and try silence my opinion. So by defention, is that not hateful or extreme?
southofthetower t1_iunbwty wrote
Reply to comment by bluehat9 in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
RI retention rate is less that 30% for the college educated. they go where there are jobs and favorable tax rates.
When is the last time you tried to start a business here?
southofthetower t1_iunb4rp wrote
Reply to comment by dollrussian in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
what does forcing a social flag on a state owned property have anything to do with what you said... you've been watching CNN and rachel maddow to much. do you even have a thought of your own? You stand by what you said? what did you Actually say in a response WHY the flag should be flown...? I may have missed that between the insults.
southofthetower t1_iunaeck wrote
Reply to comment by dollrussian in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
I love my fellow gays and lesbians. Have tons of friends... not homophobic at all actually. so again, Im asking for rational argument... you've done nothing but insult me and deflect from the question.
southofthetower t1_iun9unu wrote
Reply to comment by dollrussian in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
makes sense. please provide a rational argument for why only one group should be able to fly their flag?
southofthetower t1_iun81fd wrote
Reply to comment by buddhamanjpb in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
"extremist hate groups" got it... is that the new term for people on the opposing side with different views?
southofthetower t1_iun6z8i wrote
Reply to Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
Do you not see the reason why the flag was not flown? It is to set a precedent; not discrimination. pretty simple issue.. so what if you wanted to fly a "dont Tread on Me" flag...? would you feel that is acceptable? A black the blue flag? could their language been a bit more empathetic, absolutely yes. however what does flying a LGBTQ flag on state property have to do with anything but virtue signalling?
southofthetower t1_iunf3jx wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Little Compton residents react to town-wide hate-filled mailer with love and solidarity by GhostOpera406
no silly, you know what I meant. State lands should only fly American flags and respective state flags. (as within the current laws)