spam99 t1_iyr689w wrote
Reply to comment by clusterfuck82 in When you drive past Exit 13, and your windows are open. by LootFroop
spam99 t1_iy9nwtb wrote
Reply to comment by WredditSmark in Lackawanna Plaza Development Plan Moving Forward In Montclair – Again by L0v3_1s_War
bro you don't see the dicks?
spam99 t1_iy7lfbm wrote
they are step by step destroying the aesthetic of Montclair, from the new apartment buildings up bloomfield ave to the modern (cheap) monstrosities they are going to put up
spam99 OP t1_ixynrax wrote
Reply to comment by PotterAndPitties in Leonardo sold out? by spam99
damn thats a way better title, fml
spam99 t1_iyr6hdy wrote
Reply to comment by nokhfvhj in When you drive past Exit 13, and your windows are open. by LootFroop
exit 13a also has a poop plant right there next to the goethels bridge on NJ side