spenserpat t1_iuphbt3 wrote
Reply to PSA re: the MassPike: The Left lane is for *passing*. If you aren’t passing? Stay in the Right lane. Please. Thank you. by mrsnrub77
You can say it's out of staters all you want , but this is decidedly a MA problem and it's pervasive. Very often the right lane will be empty with a long line of cars in the left. Infuriating.
spenserpat t1_iuwvqar wrote
Reply to comment by thatwentallcostarica in PSA re: the MassPike: The Left lane is for *passing*. If you aren’t passing? Stay in the Right lane. Please. Thank you. by mrsnrub77
There are bad drivers everywhere, to be sure, but driving the same speed in all lanes seems to be a style of driving here. Maybe no one is in a rush...idk. As someone who drove most of my life elsewhere that now lives here its extremely evident to me.