spiteful_rr_dm_TA OP t1_jcu8qvl wrote
Reply to comment by mfb- in What is the ultimate fate of rocky bodies? by spiteful_rr_dm_TA
Interesting, thanks for the answer!
spiteful_rr_dm_TA OP t1_jctgsoy wrote
Reply to comment by mfb- in What is the ultimate fate of rocky bodies? by spiteful_rr_dm_TA
Can you explain or point to a source for how decay by virtual black holes work? I've never heard of this
spiteful_rr_dm_TA OP t1_jcsedfd wrote
Reply to comment by Alexander_Schwann in What is the ultimate fate of rocky bodies? by spiteful_rr_dm_TA
So it will basically stick around forever, unless things like protons have an eventual half life?
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_jactijr wrote
Assuming you are in earnest and events are portrayed correctly... you can't. She is dead set on this and thinks you attempting to convince her out of it is you being a misogynistic control freak. You should get what she is saying in writing, be it texts or emails, even facebook messages, and then go to talk to a divorce lawyer. Even if prostitution is legal in Nevada, I think it would be a slam dunk to get a divorce on the grounds that your formerly not-a-sex-worker wife is trying to become one.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_ja8cnqd wrote
Macron really needs to stop embarrassing himself. First he kept trying to talk to Putin and claiming the war wouldn't happen. Then he had a meeting and confidently proclaimed he had a deal that would avert the war. And now he constantly calls for peace between Ukraine and ruzzia, without conditions beforehand. He needs to stop making a fool of himself
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_ja89zmi wrote
Reply to comment by gunnergoz in France, Germany, and the UK offer a plan for Ukraine that doesn’t include NATO membership by Core2score
lmao you really think I am a ruzzian sympathizer? First of all, a casual stroll through my comment history on worldnews will show you how I feel about ruzzians, and second, correcting your shitty analogy to be accurate to the situation is not pro-ruzzian. Maybe try learning how international politics works before you open start saying absolute bullshit.
It is better to be quiet and considered a fool, than to open your mouth and confirm it.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_ja87vl4 wrote
Reply to My [24F] roommate [23F] has been gone from our apartment for 2.5 months and randomly texted me she’s coming back this week - beyond annoyed by [deleted]
Have a conversation with her, and explain that you have a new flow. That you are willing to compromise, and if she wants you to stay as a roommate, then she must compromise too. If she doesn't, your options are put up with her OCD, or move out on your own
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_ja7x9ql wrote
Reply to comment by gunnergoz in France, Germany, and the UK offer a plan for Ukraine that doesn’t include NATO membership by Core2score
Well let's make the scenario more accurate; the arsonist also has a bomb strong enough to blow up the entire neighborhood, and so do your neighbors. The arsonist has stated multiple times that if your neighbors directly involve themself in the arson attack, he will detonate the bomb, and your neighbors would detonate their bombs too because of mutually assured destruction. So to avoid killing everyone in the neighborhood who have nothing to do with this, your neighbors all send you advanced fire-fighting suits, hoses, and supply you with tons of water. They also work to get the arsonist fired from his job so he can't afford as much gasoline to pour on your house, and get a number of people to agree to stop selling him luxury items.
That's more accurate.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_ja7w5tq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Italy migrant boat shipwreck: More than 100 people feared dead by Paraphernalien69
Wow you really don't understand immigration laws. Let me make this simple and clear:
Countries do give visas for immigrants... a fixed number of them. I don't know of any first world country that hands out unlimited visas. You also have to have skills to apply for a visa; the whole point of visas is you are bringing people to your country that will make your country stronger, letting in someone who is a subsistence farmer in subsahara Africa will not strengthen your country enough to win out over a talented programmer from the same country. Then there is the time constraint, visas can take years.
So if you are not one of the people who got to apply, or were rejected because you didn't have a skill that the host country wants, or you didn't want to wait another 3 years before going, then your only choice is to sneak into the country. That is what these people are doing. They are not all asylum seekers, they are economic immigrants. Sure they will claim asylum if discovered, but that is only to invoke international protections that prevent immediate deportation.
These people are economic migrants that bring much of what they are trying to escape to the Western World. They do not have the objective of properly immigrating and integrating, and they are not true asylum seekers. The best thing Europe can do is realize that this is no longer working, and start sending the ships back around.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_ja7t5nh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Italy migrant boat shipwreck: More than 100 people feared dead by Paraphernalien69
Tell us you have no idea how immigration systems work, without saying it explicitly lol
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6o4tkz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Haavisto: Finland has patience to wait for Nato membership — with Sweden. by parandroidfinn
You do realize there are more options than NATO, ruzzia, or strict neutrality, right? That countries are capable of signing mutual defense treaties outside of NATO? Sweden and Finland can each or both sign mutual defense treaties with the US and other NATO members independently, and use that as the same level of safety that NATO can provide
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6nmgm8 wrote
Reply to Dear people of reddit, I'm 25M interested in a coworker 24F who is a lesbian, how to convince her into being in a relationship with me? by [deleted]
Just report the troll folks
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6nh106 wrote
Reply to Fiancee 28F lied to me 26M about very specific details of an evening while out of town recently (we have 1yr old daughter) by Mean-Slice-6217
She is lying and hiding things. You need a serious discussion where she needs to come forward with the full, verifiable truth, and she needs to explain why she felt the need to lie
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6n2kum wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Haavisto: Finland has patience to wait for Nato membership — with Sweden. by parandroidfinn
Yes, but not as beneficial as having a huge border that can cut train supply routes to the Kola Peninsula, put us within 350km of St Petersburg, and trapping the baltic fleet between Finland and Estonia, a 200 nautical mile gap. NATO could easily hold the FE gap.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6mosz7 wrote
Reply to My (21m) girlfriend (20f) cheated on me. by [deleted]
She is young and so are you. Cut the turd loose and move on. Or stay and get cheated on again and again. Cheating is a character flaw, something has to be broken inside a person to cheat
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6lhtz8 wrote
Reply to My 22F girlfriend of 1 month cheated on me 32M and lied about it what should I do by [deleted]
Bruh you have a month invested, and she already cheated? Just be thankful she showed who she truly is and move on with your life.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6j6sp5 wrote
Reply to comment by Matsisuu in Haavisto: Finland has patience to wait for Nato membership — with Sweden. by parandroidfinn
Finland and Estonia together can seal off the Baltic Sea from ruzzia, thanks to the narrow gap between them. NATO certainly has the airpower and naval capacity to move large numbers of troop and equipment. Plus what makes you think we couldn't get the supplies through Sweden? Even if they aren't in NATO, they would definitely allow the passage of weapons if war breaks out.
And yes, but the US has the 1st, 2nd, and 4th strongest airforces in the world, and no small portion of those resources are in Europe. The Finish and Norwegian airforces would be more than enough to bolster NATO forces in Europe with US airpower.
Plus you act like Sweden won't just sign treaties with other NATO members. The options are not just NATO, ruzzia, or perfectly neutral. Nothing is stopping them from just signing mutual defense pacts with Norway, Finland, the baltic states, Poland, the UK, Iceland, Denmark, and the US, so that they can join the war effort without being in NATO. Ultimately, being in NATO is more or less symbolic at this point.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6j6027 wrote
Reply to comment by grayfox0430 in Haavisto: Finland has patience to wait for Nato membership — with Sweden. by parandroidfinn
Also, Finland and Estonia can pretty much close the gap to St Petersburg and the Baltic on their own
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6j5wc0 wrote
Reply to comment by grayfox0430 in Haavisto: Finland has patience to wait for Nato membership — with Sweden. by parandroidfinn
Yes but NATO dominates the entrance in and out of the Baltic sea with Denmark and Norway. Sweden is a nice to have, not a need to have. Finland opens a border that is too long to defend, and can cut off supplies between most of ruzzia and the militarily important Kola Peninsula, thanks to Finland being 100km from the railroad in some places.
I want both, but Finland is far more strategically important than Sweden if war breaks out
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j6j3njj wrote
Reply to Haavisto: Finland has patience to wait for Nato membership — with Sweden. by parandroidfinn
Honestly NATO only really needs Finland. Having the ability to move troops and equipment to such a large and important border is the most vital aspect of them joining.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_j2evnft wrote
Reply to Taliban should lift its restrictions on women, says UN human rights chief by Small_Temporary4418
Oh well if the UN Human Rights Chief came out and said it, then I am sure the Taliban will listen!
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iyekgop wrote
Reply to comment by shroomcitie in is this cheating? by [deleted]
"I only fucked the prostitute for an hour, she'll live"
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iyejj6a wrote
Reply to comment by shroomcitie in is this cheating? by [deleted]
You have your answer. You cheated. You have advice, tell your bf before it destroys your relationship. If you want to be a coward then go ahead and cover up that you cheated. But you don't deserve him if you cheat on him so casually. He deserves better than you. He deserves someone loyal and honest, not cheating and lying.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iyej9yo wrote
Reply to comment by smoozagoozle in is this cheating? by [deleted]
I'm willing to bet she doesn't even like him, just uses him for stability.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_je8gssz wrote
Reply to comment by Affectionate-Owl8750 in This NYC MTA sign is misspelt. The street name is Roosevelt Ave— other signs in the area are correct. by TheGreatMastermind
Yeah, and they succeeded. Their job was to convey proper information to the reader with space confined by the arrow and EXIT. Another O in Roosevelt and E in Ave would have meant they would need smaller text, or a bigger sign, while not really providing any more information