spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iyeajo6 wrote
Reply to is this cheating? by [deleted]
You really have to ask if sexting is cheating?
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy9envz wrote
Reply to comment by Melodic2000 in Romanian President: we need more force on the Eastern Flank by Melodic2000
Trust me, NATO has your back. For all the stupid shit fringe people say about NATO, the US and the rest of the West will help you. I wish we were doing more in Ukraine though...
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy9cofa wrote
Reply to comment by residentsslav in Romanian President: we need more force on the Eastern Flank by Melodic2000
Plus Romania has some pretty solid geographical advantages. A large and dense mountain range and numerous rivers makes Romania difficult to invade compared to the Baltic states that are much more flat.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy9cgml wrote
Reply to comment by Melodic2000 in Romanian President: we need more force on the Eastern Flank by Melodic2000
The Southern states on the Eastern Border have a lot of advantages that the Northern States do not. As mentioned, you have the depth to recover from initial losses, and Ukraine and Moldova completely stand between ruzzia and Romania. Slovakia has partial defense through Ukrainian borders too, with most of the rest of Slovakia's border being covered by Poland. In order for Romania to be invaded, ruzzia has to either launch an entire naval attack in the Black Sea, something we have seen they are not very capable of, or invade all the way through Ukraine or Poland, both of which are very unlikely to succeed. Add in some major terrain factors, including large and difficult to pass mountain ranges and wide rivers, and Romania is pretty damn safe from ruzzia all told. Any attack would take weeks to break through just Ukraine, let alone into Romania, which would give NATO way more than enough time to send reinforcements.
Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, on the other hand, share direct borders with either ruzzia or Belaruz. There are relatively few rivers or mountains to slow an attack down, and aside from Poland, they have precious little land to trade for time and reinforcements. They are relatively flat, and the theory before the war in Ukraine was that a massed tank assault would tear through quickly if they were not well defended. Now we know that isn't something ruzzia can really pull off, but still. There is also the fact that it would likely be easier to pull off naval attacks from the Baltic than the Black Sea. The ruzzians do not have nearly the same force projection or reinforcement capabilities in the Black sea, and are limited by Turkey's control over the straits.
These factors above also work the other way around. Romania and Slovakia would be terrible locations to launch counter-attacks from because you would have to chase the enemy through Ukraine. But Estonia and Latvia are within a one week assault range on St Petersburg if the initial attack goes well. In the Black Sea, Turkey actually houses many of the strategic ports and airfields we would need.
None of this is to downplay the importance of Romania as a partner in NATO, and I am happy you are part of it. But the positioning means the Northern Flank is more positionally advantageous for both sides, and thus receives more forces.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy87auo wrote
Reply to comment by Jojo_my_Flojo in Mothers and wives of conscripts from Russian Far East to be sent to east of Ukraine by HarakenQQ
When I say ruzzians, I'm referring to culturally ruzzian. The people who always bend the knee to authoritarian strong men, have no problem waging war and genocide against their neighbors, and only ever resist the government when it bites them in the ass. The Russian guy who fled to America 20 years ago and protested the war from the start? Not a ruzzian. The Russian woman who followed young Ukrainian girls around shouting pro-war slogans in Germany and getting upset she will be deported? That's a ruzzian. The Russian woman in NZ who literally helped her son flee conscription, but then went on to fund raise for the ruzzian army? That's a ruzzian. The people sitting at home, complacent in cultural genocide in Ukraine and buying into propaganda saying that Ukraine was a mistake? You guessed it, ruzzians. People like Navalny who tried standing up to Putin and lost it all? That's a hero, not a ruzzian
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy4q4dg wrote
Reply to comment by Sensitive_Disk_3111 in Mothers and wives of conscripts from Russian Far East to be sent to east of Ukraine by HarakenQQ
It sadly has been. The ruzzians have had a perpetual fear and envy of the Western World, when reality is that very few people in the West want what is mostly just frozen tundras
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy4o41h wrote
Reply to comment by Sensitive_Disk_3111 in Mothers and wives of conscripts from Russian Far East to be sent to east of Ukraine by HarakenQQ
The ruzzians like to think of themselves as a separate, superior race. Now they are waging war against the inferiors who have no right to exist, and allegedly occupy what should rightfully be their glorious race's lands. Wonder where I have heard that one before?
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy4gwhl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mothers and wives of conscripts from Russian Far East to be sent to east of Ukraine by HarakenQQ
Oh I'm oh so sorry that you are offended by me calling ruzzia ruzzia. The ruzzians are literally proud to display the Z symbology where they can, even openly in the Western World.
yeah they kept going with the war... Because the Germans were winning WW1 on their front, and were pushing harsh terms on them. Then the oh so brilliant Lenin took power, tried to just stop fighting unilaterally, got his shit kicked in, and had to accept an even worse treaty. Maybe the Interim government knew that they had to hold out in the war until they could get better terms, which was getting close because Germany was running out of manpower on the Eastern front. But hey, Lenin thought he knew better, and wound up with worse terms as a result.
And the ruzzians still let it happen. They allowed Lenin to take power, and the central ruzzian population was fine bending the knee to yet another autocratic government. Sure the outer regions rebelled, but those areas were always unhappy being under the ruzzian thumb.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy43t0m wrote
Reply to comment by StandardMandarin in Mothers and wives of conscripts from Russian Far East to be sent to east of Ukraine by HarakenQQ
Look what happened to their first attempt at democracy. They finally overthrew the Tzar, and a new interim government was established. They started making changes such as holding elections, abolishing the death penalty, and disbanding the secret police. They lasted 11 months, and the ruzzians looked at the progress they made, before saying "Human rights? No secret police? This aint it fam", and allowed the first dictator that came along to take control.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iy3ldk2 wrote
Reply to comment by choose_an_alt_name in Surgeons work by flashlight as Ukraine power grid battered by scot816
It's not like there is much choice. This isn't a case of "entitled people keep playing video games while doctor's operate in the dark", this is a case of "A terrorist country is bombing innocent people in the middle of winter as part of a campaign of terror regardless of the casualties, and civilians are being forced to choose between heating their homes in the middle of a bitter winter, and powering the hospital"
Fuck ruzzia for doing this. Fuck ruzzians for allowing this to happen.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_ixs75aa wrote
Reply to comment by Unlucky_Elevator13 in A cave complex with hieroglyphs and Varangian symbols discovered in center of Ukraine - Arkeonews by pheasant-plucker
I don't know if you know this, but caves tend to have what are called "openings" or "entrances". These are holes in the ground that allow access to these caves, and these can be bombed to close them.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_ixrsngu wrote
Reply to comment by Unlucky_Elevator13 in A cave complex with hieroglyphs and Varangian symbols discovered in center of Ukraine - Arkeonews by pheasant-plucker
Oh sure. The people that steal museum artefacts, bomb theaters, bomb maternity wards, and have bombed many cultural and heritage sites surely won't bomb archeological sites, right? You ignorant rube
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_ixrc6ji wrote
Reply to comment by Unlucky_Elevator13 in A cave complex with hieroglyphs and Varangian symbols discovered in center of Ukraine - Arkeonews by pheasant-plucker
The ruzzians literally just bombed a maternity ward, killing a 2 day old baby. And you think that they won't bomb an archeological site just to erase the culture and heritage of Ukraine?
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iujpqy7 wrote
Reply to comment by themanfromUNCLE100 in My fiancé is cheating on me with a teneeager by Strange-Ad-102
This is in the US. While the states differ, something like 30/50 have an age of consent of 16, so odds are better than not that he is legally fine. Morally he is reprehensible, but legality and morality dont always align...
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iujpiaj wrote
Reply to comment by Flyinggrounded in My fiancé is cheating on me with a teneeager by Strange-Ad-102
For something like 30 states, age of consent is 16. So odds are better than not that what he is doing is legal. Morally, on the other hand, he is horribly out of line on so many fronts.
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iujp6k5 wrote
Reply to comment by Cryptographer_Alone in My fiancé is cheating on me with a teneeager by Strange-Ad-102
I know in NY, the age of consent is 17. There are also Romeo and Juliet laws that allow for a two year difference, down to 14 I think. So a 14 year old can have sex with up to a 16 year old, and an 18 year old can have sex with a 16 year old.
Most states have these laws. Some states it is 16, some 17, and some 18. See here
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iuj4ptn wrote
Turkey should re-evaluate the deal that lets ruzzian ships enter or leave the black sea. If ruzzia refuses to uphold its deals, no one should uphold their deals with ruzzia!
spiteful_rr_dm_TA t1_iyej1b6 wrote
Reply to comment by Chao_Zu_Kang in Russia plans next wave of mobilisation for January and February by HarakenQQ
ruzzia hasn't changed since the time of the tzars