spmahn t1_iy90xdo wrote
Reply to comment by SippieCup in Eversource, United Illuminating have spent millions to lobby Connecticut lawmakers by Toybasher
He’s not a politician! He has never held political office. Just because someone defines themselves as being a particular thing does not inherently make it so. If I apply for a job as a doctor in a hospital, does that make me a doctor?
spmahn t1_iy90axu wrote
Reply to comment by SippieCup in Eversource, United Illuminating have spent millions to lobby Connecticut lawmakers by Toybasher
Way to move the goalpost there buddy. Lets try this one last time, which Republican politicians in Connecticut are fascists? And don’t tell me that they are all fascists simply by association, this country runs on a two party system where you ostensibly have to be associated with one party or the other to be elected, yes in a perfect world there would be a separate group of politicians who could call themselves some other name, but we don’t live in Shangri-La, our electoral system doesn’t work that way.
spmahn t1_iy8xzra wrote
Reply to comment by SippieCup in Eversource, United Illuminating have spent millions to lobby Connecticut lawmakers by Toybasher
So because one person who has chosen to associate himself with a group despite no evidence of that group actually wanting to be associated with that person, that by default defines the entire organization? I’d love to hear your views on other groups of people with problematic members, I’m sure they are lovely and not in any way bigoted or narrow minded. If you’re looking for me, I’ll be over here with the people who can actually form nuanced opinions without painting everything black and white.
spmahn t1_iy8x22d wrote
Reply to comment by SippieCup in Eversource, United Illuminating have spent millions to lobby Connecticut lawmakers by Toybasher
As a matter of fact I don’t support fascists, you just seem quite keen on applying pejorative labels without actually being able to back it up with evidence.
spmahn t1_iy8w9fa wrote
Reply to comment by SippieCup in Eversource, United Illuminating have spent millions to lobby Connecticut lawmakers by Toybasher
What political office has Dominic Rapini ever held? You realize that literally anyone can register for a political party and run for office as a member of that party, no? Which specific politicians endorsed or supported him? Yeah, no shit, a few town committees endorsed the entire slate of Republican candidates on the ballot, and the CT GOP again lists the entire slate of candidates on their website, but who in this state has actually pledge support for him? Nobody.
What fascist views does Fred Camillo hold.
spmahn t1_iy8re11 wrote
Reply to comment by SippieCup in Eversource, United Illuminating have spent millions to lobby Connecticut lawmakers by Toybasher
Ok, great, you’ve identified a total of one person with some problematic views who isn’t actually a politician, received virtually zero support from any specific members of the GOP in Connecticut, and lost by double digits.
spmahn t1_iy7xc07 wrote
Reply to comment by Seegson-Synthetics in Eversource, United Illuminating have spent millions to lobby Connecticut lawmakers by Toybasher
> local Republicans won't go against the party
Why would your local politicians spend any time at all on national issues which have literally no impact on what they’re going to do in Hartford?
spmahn t1_iy7x45c wrote
Reply to comment by Seegson-Synthetics in Eversource, United Illuminating have spent millions to lobby Connecticut lawmakers by Toybasher
Which members of the CT GOP are fascists exactly?
Edit: How about people actually answer the question before hitting the downvote button?
spmahn t1_ixw2kqx wrote
I imagine given all the drought we had this summer it might a rough year for Christmas Trees
spmahn t1_iwqv7so wrote
Reply to comment by QueenOfQuok in The Road That Killed A City: A podcast series about how I-84 destroyed the heart of Hartford. A trend that was happening to all American cities. by marxianthings
They merged with Filene’s in the 90’s which eventually merged with Macy’s
spmahn t1_iubzvmx wrote
Reply to comment by CANOODLING_SOCIOPATH in Democratic Rep. Jahana Hayes, Republican challenger tied in heavily blue Connecticut: poll by jr_reddit
Yes, it’s the same song and dance every 10 years, there’s a bipartisan commission with an equal number of Democrats and Republicans, the Republicans draw their map, the Democrats draw their map, neither side agrees, it gets sent to be decided on by a court run by judges who were all appointed and approved by Democrats, and coincidentally the map that gets approved always ends up looking exactly like the one Democrats wanted in the first place, funny how that works.
spmahn t1_iubvqos wrote
Reply to comment by happyjammy123 in Democratic Rep. Jahana Hayes, Republican challenger tied in heavily blue Connecticut: poll by jr_reddit
The district was gerrymandered after the 2010 census to take a slice of the very blue third district and give it to the fifth making it much more difficult for Republicans to win there
spmahn t1_isqp9vd wrote
This is only going to continue to get worse as long as our politicians keep covering their ears and shouting “La la la can’t hear you” every time the bear problem comes up in the legislature
spmahn t1_isdocue wrote
Reply to comment by interiorcrocodemon in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
The one party with only half as many registered voters as the other? The one party that hasn’t won a statewide race in over a decade? That’s what you’re going to blame it on?
spmahn t1_iy91o0a wrote
Reply to comment by SippieCup in Eversource, United Illuminating have spent millions to lobby Connecticut lawmakers by Toybasher
So if I fill out a form to run for city council, that act in and of itself makes me a politician? Huh, I guess I can declare myself to be anything I want and that makes it so. I want to be Pope.