
sponger67 t1_iydpe1a wrote

This.... so much this.... And exactly for the reason stated... My best friend for most of my life, hated having his pocket taken, or being in any pic moment etc... he got really sick, really suddenly, and passed away after fighting for 64 days. We had lots of photos, but nowhere near the amount we could have had. I had adopted the same mentality before he had gotten sick. I have a diff mentality these days, as I know I won't always be here, and hopefully my parents don't outlive me, but for siblings and my neieces and nephews, but hopefully that went be for some time and they won't need pics, cuz they'll have memories of stuff we did together.

Think twice about it if u happen to hate having ur pic taken, at least for family events, holidays and birthdays. Promise you will be happy you did.
