spoon7777 t1_jeas1f2 wrote
I never met a bag of potato chips I didn't like, until I tried Middleswarth. Maybe I got a bad bag because I absolutely hated them, but all of this love I'm reading makes me feel like giving them another shot. BBQ seems to be the favorite here so that's my next purchase.
spoon7777 t1_je6ntpc wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Foot_528 in PPL Usage and Billing Problems in Pennsylvania still not resolved? by theviolinist7
Nope ugi gas.
spoon7777 t1_je68kfe wrote
Reply to comment by theviolinist7 in PPL Usage and Billing Problems in Pennsylvania still not resolved? by theviolinist7
January I was billed for 617 kwh, February 142. January of 22 when we were actually living there it was 583. All I have on is 1 fluorescent light in the kitchen.
spoon7777 t1_je61bn4 wrote
My house has been vacant since January 1st. Somehow my usage for January of 23 was slightly higher than in January of 22, when I did live there with my son. The last 2 months have been significantly lower, as they should be, but I still haven't been reimbursed for January, and probably never will be.
spoon7777 t1_j7ud86b wrote
Reply to comment by thunderGunXprezz in I can't remember a funny name for central Pennsylvania by TheGingivist
Give that man a puppers.
spoon7777 t1_j4gdf4t wrote
I live in Bethlehem and thankfully that shit hasn't spread north yet. WTF does it even mean?
spoon7777 t1_j01j2y5 wrote
Reply to comment by Ecstatic-Dog4021 in Remember Jamesway stores? This was the one in Tamaqua. They went out of business in 1995 (a few of them became Ames locations, Remember them too?) by a_person_96
As hard as I try to forget Laneco I can't. Spent 21 years working there until the bitter end.
spoon7777 t1_jeb06l6 wrote
Reply to comment by freshoilandstone in Potato Chips - What is your favorite brand and type (Regular/Kettle, etc)? by Speakslinux
I had the plain ones and I thought the same thing, all I tasted was lard. Aren't the bbq the same thing just flavored?