
spydersens t1_jefaxui wrote

Lower back pain is really vague. So , whatever exercise a kinesiologist or physical therapist advises for you particular situation. Mainly, core exercises, activating the pelvic floor, walking, swimming and activities like practicing Chi-gong, Taichi, pilates and Yoga are known to provide good support. But there are many good options out there.

mb with the term musculation, it's french for bodybuilding... so calisthenics or weights. Basically progressively including load bearing exercises to increase muscle strength in a controlled environment, which allows you to endure static postures longer without your muscles overreacting.


spydersens t1_jeeiiqg wrote

Exercise and musculation are more important than stretching. It has been proven time after time that the best is to build up your core. Avoiding prolonged static postures also helps to not lock up various muscles and articulations. So many ways to find relief, like alternating cold and medium-heat and relaxation. Lowering your overall stress levels also contributes to your greater well being in cases where people are dealing with chronic pain.


spydersens t1_jcuexpv wrote

The idea here is that you are only playing the losing side by trying to avoid rejection. I rode with that crowd for a while; dressing up in black to seem dark and dangerous. You can't hide in plain sight. You inevitably just meet like minded people who are dark or are stark and alone. Either way camping a joyous or bleak position is unrealistic; just go with the flow. Sometimes people will break your heart or disagree and sometimes they'll feed your endeavors and validate your ideas, it's a crazy world.

Meanwhile you say that you want to be alone while chatting through your computer, so you seek some type of validation even for your sensibilities about it being good to be a loner in order to isolate yourself from random outcomes. Our conversation hasn't exactly gone the way you expected it and you still bravely pursued the discussion. So why not face that challenge in person with people? Not all of them are out to judge you; we just disagree and do what's best for us sometimes. Without having you sacrifice anything major, I hope that you feel less isolated in time. We speak the same language, we have the same challenges as a species, you'd be surprised how few people get by on their own. Challenges everywhere, including the challenge of perspective and meeting others half-way. Take care.


spydersens t1_jcm6txt wrote

You don't absolutely need to commune regularly, but don't answer his query by you being the one to reject his needs. It's ok to be a loner just as it is to be community oriented. You know nothing about neurotypical mindframes if you are assuming that what that person needs is what works for you. Autism for one can make you diverge strongly and it's ok; just dont' assume the that path those divergences are taking are all the same.


spydersens t1_jcltmqh wrote

That's a bit on the strong side and isolationism for many has its very definite drawbacks. As gregarious beings it's ok for many to feel a need for community.

If one of those friends feels close enough to express these feelings too, do so. Tell them that you enjoy their company and that you'd appreciate them calling you some time. Some people aren't inclined to call and that's just it.

You have to maybe also broaden your circle by finding other board game aficionados or by engaging in other group activities. I often felt as you did, while being the one who himself called to know what was up without really ever organizing anything. But I was always part of a bunch of group activities that led to other activities and being invited to parties and even Xmas. Lots of those people I don't see anymore and it's ok.

You have to realize that people are bustling a lot more than they were in their little villages 500 years ago. Find a place or thing you like and you will find more like minded people.


spydersens t1_j574emr wrote

It's sometimes people who are letting you know what's up. They might not be putting you down but are advising you otherwise. I've given advice and facts to people who refuse them and brush me off as a hater. Perspective can be a real bitch at times, so don't hate, but don,t think people hate you either, it closes you mind to what might really be there.


spydersens t1_j3fo7nx wrote

He's not wrong but he's not all right. Only you know what you are willing to invest. Making it through medical school is strenuous and will take a lot of willpower, hard work and long hours. It also doesn't end there because doctors and lawyers do crazy hours. No can know exactly what you are capable and willing to do and medical school is a possibility although an extremely challenging one. You can't just be an average doctor, to be a doctor you have to qualify. It's not like being a soso financial consultant.


spydersens t1_iykg8a0 wrote

Anyone else wondering why not just create it here if it's going to be in a bubble? It's a lot more accessible than on per say another world. Stop funding these pipe dreams. Meanwhile we have everything here and we are throwing resources at this or wondering if a asteroid is going to hit earth, etc. Try evaluate everything that can and will go wrong on your make believe terrafirm project. People can't engineer a bridge without there being plenty of oversights . Get real please.