
squirreltalk t1_jb30399 wrote

>However republicans calling for his resignation is the pot calling the kettle black.

I'm a Democrat who thinks he should resign, and I don't want to hear a goddamn word about this from any Republican who has not disavowed Trump.


squirreltalk OP t1_j533h3x wrote

This session will contain both educational content and actions steps! As an overview of what you can help with right now:

  1. You can sign up to volunteer for the campaign at https://www.mohpa.org/rcv - we need people to work on social media, outreach, write letters to the editor, meet with legislators, research policy, etc.

  2. You can contact your state rep and senator to let them know that you support RCV - the biggest thing we hear when we meet with legislators is that “their constituents have never brought it up.” But a lot of legislators have expressed interest in RCV in general. We have a bill written, we have a couple potential co-sponsors, and we are in the process of meeting with every state representative and legislator.