st3akkn1fe t1_ixtw1kg wrote
Reply to Did Bridge to Terabithia emotionally scar anyone else as much as it emotionally scarred me? by Getofffmycloud
I watched it as a teenager and wasn't really that invested in it. Like, I didn't mind it but it doesn't have any long lasting impact or it hasn't stayed with me. I didn't see the big plot point coming though and remember being surprised by that.
The only scene I remember in really is the dad catching the boy as he run crying through the woods.
st3akkn1fe t1_iuk74zy wrote
st3akkn1fe t1_iue7oju wrote
Reply to comment by ASM42186 in Your top five horror movies by MovieFanZ5026
I'm surprised you chose the invisible man remake as that is legitimately one of the worst films I've ever seen.
st3akkn1fe t1_iucmyxy wrote
Reply to Your top five horror movies by MovieFanZ5026
The thing
Don't look now
The shining
st3akkn1fe t1_iy2nxqm wrote
Reply to comment by cityfireguy in True Romance (1993) by movieguy2004
You're so cool