st4n13l t1_j61msgp wrote
Reply to comment by HungryLikeTheWolf99 in Energy consumption in the US from 1776-2014 by MCgamingMC
Yeah I wasn't arguing with you. Just pointing it out for others that this isn't some simple solution we've overlooked. Absolutely agree that if it is an option it's better than fossil fuels.
st4n13l t1_j61lr1u wrote
Reply to comment by HungryLikeTheWolf99 in Energy consumption in the US from 1776-2014 by MCgamingMC
Unfortunately that's only true if all of the wood comes from trees that fall naturally or felled as part of forest maintenance, and even if that's true on your local scale, it's certainly not scalable.
st4n13l t1_j5yk6ij wrote
Reply to comment by windyBhindi in [OC] Mother Tongue of Indians - Source 1991 Census by Charmanderflamethrow
Very selfish
st4n13l t1_j5tco63 wrote
Reply to comment by crimeo in Costco rotisserie chicken cost effectiveness [OC] by phsource
You must have missed the part about the price maxing out at $5
st4n13l t1_j5lnnpu wrote
Reply to Beautiful data, graphics, and analysis on the ever-increasing size of the American pickup truck. by cptspinach85
>the ever-increasing size of the American pickup truck.
Technically what is presented is for Ford pickups not all American pickups though I'm sure the trends still line up
st4n13l t1_j5jgkfx wrote
Reply to comment by Bard_Bromance_Club in Racial diversity in top tech & biotech companies [OC] by teamongered
The same way forcing religion is bad but allowing people to practice their own faiths is not bad
st4n13l t1_j5iwhrt wrote
Reply to comment by IntelligentBloop in Racial diversity in top tech & biotech companies [OC] by teamongered
Define "normal"
st4n13l t1_j5g9w8i wrote
Reply to comment by tabrisangel in Racial diversity in top tech & biotech companies [OC] by teamongered
They said the US was consciously and legally headed toward segregation. The "evidence" they presented doesn't support that when considered in the context of what those universities are actually doing. And even if it did, it doesn't support anything about moving legally towards segregation.
Where's the strawman?
st4n13l t1_j5g1nlt wrote
Reply to comment by Norvig-Generis in Racial diversity in top tech & biotech companies [OC] by teamongered
The vast majority of those they referred to have additional, optional graduation events for smaller communities in addition to the main ceremony. This is not ethnic segregation like what that the US enforced for the first 200 years of our existence.
st4n13l t1_j5fwg3g wrote
Reply to comment by Norvig-Generis in Racial diversity in top tech & biotech companies [OC] by teamongered
>they are consciously and legally moving towards segregation and all that, its wild.
That would be wild if it were actually true
st4n13l t1_j5bi4h9 wrote
Reply to comment by Fleinsuppe in European countries voting age population (10+ m.) and Russians non/voting for Putin in the last relatively fair election in Russia (2000), m. [OC] by Populationdemography
I don't see how it says that. The "not voting for Putin" category also includes people that didn't vote at all so it's hard to draw any conclusions from this.
st4n13l t1_j2u8mf3 wrote
Reply to comment by Hailifiknow in Report on average life expectancy by country versus micro-region. Misleading? by Hailifiknow
I don't think it's click-bait. I haven't seen clickbaity stuff from them before. Plenty of stuff that I thought others realized, but it's important not to assume that our understanding is what everyone else's understanding or level of knowledge is.
st4n13l t1_j2u4w3g wrote
Reply to comment by Hailifiknow in Report on average life expectancy by country versus micro-region. Misleading? by Hailifiknow
>So, is it all a hyped way to look into “granular” data? Why is McKinsey focusing on something so obvious?
Obvious? Most reporting on life expectancy is done by country, so while it may be obvious to you, McKinsey is pointing out why it's important to account for variations at the microregion level and not just generalize at the country level.
st4n13l t1_j2eptsw wrote
I would chop my dick off if my vehicle got under 10mpg. Thoughts and prayers.
st4n13l t1_j2byd68 wrote
Reply to [OC] Top 20 countries with the highest number of primary school teachers per student by UsandoFXOS
Interesting, though Students/Teacher is generally the metric used which would have also probably made this easier to read
st4n13l t1_j1rru5p wrote
Reply to comment by Dunce_Dante in [OC] North American cities by number of major sports championships (Updated December 2022) by twintig5
They have 17 wins
st4n13l t1_j1rpg2i wrote
Reply to comment by Baby_ice_cream in [OC] Beer as a percentage of total calories by fred_fotch
No worries! It was humorous and still clear what you actually meant.
st4n13l t1_j1rdeu6 wrote
Reply to comment by Gargomon251 in Google Search Popularity: how to track a ph0ne | Latinamerica [OC] by cartografunk
Oh come on bro you gotta be l33t /s
st4n13l t1_j1r3m63 wrote
So this shows, by country, how popular the search phrase "how to track a cellphone" is?
Also does the bottom right graph indicate that in 2021 it was 100% popular, i.e. literally everyone searched for it?
st4n13l t1_j1pxgk6 wrote
Reply to comment by Baby_ice_cream in [OC] Beer as a percentage of total calories by fred_fotch
>„Das gute Bier“ (The good bear)
I know it's a typo but someone should definitely make a beer called The Good Bear
st4n13l t1_j0x29df wrote
Reply to comment by UsandoFXOS in [OC] Youtube channels with the most views - Dec.2022 by UsandoFXOS
>Note: sincerely, i was not able to understand at sources if the number of views are of the last year or of the total life of the channel
According to the FAQ, they keep up to 3 years of data for channels
st4n13l t1_j0x1bea wrote
Reply to comment by haz3lnut in Chart: What's the top source of electricity in your state? by MrMike
Excellent rebuttal
st4n13l t1_j0wzip7 wrote
Reply to comment by haz3lnut in Chart: What's the top source of electricity in your state? by MrMike
Creating a nuclear disaster in another country is the same as dropping a nuclear bomb. Considering Russia has plenty of them, not having nuclear energy doesn't prevent this type of disaster but certainly hamstrings your ability to produce clean energy.
st4n13l t1_j0wyedi wrote
Reply to comment by haz3lnut in Chart: What's the top source of electricity in your state? by MrMike
Every other source of power generation can be neutralized as well
st4n13l t1_j63psd0 wrote
Reply to comment by vtTownie in Energy consumption in the US from 1776-2014 by MCgamingMC
It's not scalable as a carbon neutral practice