st4n13l t1_iwwg3su wrote
Reply to [OC] Bitcoin Return vs. S&P 500 TR assuming you bought and held until today's market close. by msnf
Do you mind explaining to us non-Finance background folks what we're looking at in layman's terms?
st4n13l t1_iwjpdya wrote
Where's the link to sources and tools used? Also where's the link to the actual interactive visual?
st4n13l t1_iwe2bmb wrote
Reply to [OC] College Basketball BPI Rankings for all 363 teams. Check out the strong correlation between offense and defense. Link to interactive version in comment. by Bischrob
Haven't teams only played like 2 games this season?
st4n13l t1_iw49cba wrote
Reply to comment by justhereforass2 in Explaining Mercury’s Superconductivity, 111 Years Later. Theorists have finally explained the superconductivity of mercury, the first superconductor ever discovered—gaining insights that could be relevant to the search for room-temperature superconductors. by MistWeaver80
Yeah I hate reading too
st4n13l t1_iw1zzcb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in How China Overtook the U.S. as the World’s Major Trading Partner by publius-varus
Not sure if you're talking about how China has jumped the US or how the US got there in the first place lol
st4n13l t1_iw1ztro wrote
Reply to comment by glmory in [OC] Map animation showing progression of Ukrainian counter-offensive in southern as Russians forced to withdraw from Kherson by sdbernard
Yes the War of 1812 is so similar /s
st4n13l t1_ivadom8 wrote
Reply to comment by Killingagency in [OC] Forbes 2022's Most Philanthropic US Billionaires by row64software
My issue with your statement is that it's absolute. Not that new products and innovations can improve lives but rather that all products and innovations do improve lives simply by existing.
>Like literally every single item you touch is the proof lol.
Proof that products exist. Not proof all products improve our lives.
st4n13l t1_ivaanfy wrote
Reply to comment by Killingagency in [OC] Forbes 2022's Most Philanthropic US Billionaires by row64software
>Any kind of new tech brings us forward and increases our welfare
>Products bring a better life to people
>Donations are a fish, whereas innovations are the fishing skills.
If you believe this shit, I've got a bridge to sell you.
st4n13l t1_iv4knoc wrote
Reply to comment by Ksradrik in Closest known black hole to Earth spotted by astronomers by lunarmoonr
I'm personally rooting for microwormhole telescopes
st4n13l t1_iv4ffrv wrote
Reply to comment by shooflydont in Has PTSD due to trauma and/or violence affected humans for centuries or is this a more recent phenomenon? Have there always been long-term effects when an individual experiences trauma and/or violence? by shooflydont
Not necessarily. On the one hand many of them would have already had children by then and on the other those that hadn't probably would have only to compete against mostly other soldiers who probably weren't in much better shape.
st4n13l t1_iv4dxfl wrote
From the first Google result for your question:
"A diagnosis requires evidence of degeneration of brain tissue and deposits of tau and other proteins in the brain that can be seen only upon inspection after death.
Some researchers are actively trying to find a test for CTE that can be used while people are alive. Others continue to study the brains of deceased individuals who may have had CTE, such as football players.
The hope is to eventually use a range of neuropsychological tests, brain imaging such as specialized MRI tests and biomarkers to diagnose CTE. In particular, imaging of amyloid and tau proteins will aid in diagnosis.
"Researchers are actively working to develop PET markers to detect tau abnormalities associated with neurodegenerative disease in people who are living.
Researchers are also working to develop tracers that target and bind to tau buildup and other proteins on PET scans. Studies are underway using these types of scans and tracers to look for tau buildup in the brains of retired athletes who experienced head injuries."
st4n13l t1_iu1tce2 wrote
Reply to comment by CElia_472 in ELI5: The fringe idea that Aftican-Americans are Jewish. by [deleted]
See my very last sentence lol
st4n13l t1_iu1prhu wrote
The idea that all African Americans are Jewish is indeed fringe. The idea that some African Americans are Jewish is a matter of fact.
Which scenario are you referring to and if the former, where did you hear this? I'd be very suspicious of the source of the claim.
st4n13l t1_irkuwwz wrote
Look how Ireland's tax schemes have helped to distort their real GDP
st4n13l t1_irkopsw wrote
Reply to comment by Bajakid in [OC] Cause of Death on California's Death Row by academiaadvice
I believe it's technically recorded as "Suicide(d)"
st4n13l t1_ire8ni0 wrote
What a terrible analysis. The graphic assumes that it will always climb even though historically you can see that this has never been the case. If someone had used this same flawed analysis in 1944 we'd presumably be at 500% debt to GDP currently.
st4n13l t1_iqta58v wrote
Reply to comment by NarcissusLovesEcho in [OC] Top 10 Richest Russian Oligarchs in 2022 and their links to Putin by Spirited-Focus-7312
>I was just wondering what American billionaires would possibly fall under the definition of a Russian oligarch.
They didn't say American billionaires would fall under the definition of Russian oligarch. They said American oligarchs with ties to Put in.
st4n13l t1_iwwkflg wrote
Reply to comment by msnf in [OC] Bitcoin Return vs. S&P 500 TR assuming you bought and held until today's market close. by msnf
Thanks for this explanation! Very interesting for sure.