stannenb OP t1_jdexvoo wrote
Reply to comment by cptninc in Cambridge Unveils Report on Municipal Broadband Feasibility and Business Model Options by stannenb
And the residents pay for it with their subscription fees.
You can't wish the cost away. And, as you say, the cable franchise fee, is just rounding error. It can't be both a rounding error and critical part of Verizon's decision making.
stannenb OP t1_jdewquv wrote
Reply to comment by cptninc in Cambridge Unveils Report on Municipal Broadband Feasibility and Business Model Options by stannenb
So you expect Verizon to just give the service away?
stannenb OP t1_jdesrt3 wrote
Reply to comment by cptninc in Cambridge Unveils Report on Municipal Broadband Feasibility and Business Model Options by stannenb
You answered your own question. The capital spend is, at a first approximation, what any entity would have to spend to bring fiber to the premises.
stannenb t1_jc7tdf5 wrote
Reply to comment by scolbath in Results of municipal broadband feasibility study: City-owned Internet has big pluses and price tag by b00gerbear
One way Harvard/MIT/other-institutions-companies can actually help is guarantee a certain number of customers to the system. If they reimburse staff for home internet, make sure there are incentives to use municipal broadband. With guaranteed customers, the uncertainty around financial risk is minimized, making financing easier and deals with private partners less necessary.
stannenb t1_jc36mqb wrote
Reply to comment by MarcGov51 in Board of Zoning Appeals shutting down Starlight Square, rejecting city council & Central Sq. Business Improv. Assn. requests to renew by Cav_vaC
Wait. Somebody actual said that? Good grief.
stannenb t1_jc2hfsa wrote
Reply to comment by MarcGov51 in Board of Zoning Appeals shutting down Starlight Square, rejecting city council & Central Sq. Business Improv. Assn. requests to renew by Cav_vaC
(Oh, Marc. The "/s" means "sarcasm." - Saul.)
stannenb t1_jbu80sl wrote
Reply to Board of Zoning Appeals shutting down Starlight Square, rejecting city council & Central Sq. Business Improv. Assn. requests to renew by Cav_vaC
“I moved to the heart of Central Square for the peace and quiet,” said one resident pleased the Zoning Board’s vote. /s
stannenb t1_jbbn93i wrote
Reply to Cambridge bike lane lawsuit dismissed by ik1nky
What a waste of taxpayer dollars.
stannenb t1_jae5zlk wrote
Reply to the town of "Fucking, Austria" shows up as OwO in apple weather on iOS 16.3.1. how does this even happen??? by squabbledMC
It's a real town that recently changed its name from Fucking to Fugging:
stannenb t1_ja9qcmb wrote
Reply to Has any other TV show dipped in quality and fandom as much as New York Undercover? by stevenw84
Yellowstone, where Taylor Sheridan's inability to work with a collaborative writing staff combined with his ever growing list of spinoffs/projects/ranches has taxed his ability to maintain a consistent plot that makes some sort of rational sense.
stannenb t1_iy5agab wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Municipal Broadband Roundtable by blackdynomitesnewbag
So, your answer is "Yes, that Starry."
stannenb t1_iy579ao wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Municipal Broadband Roundtable by blackdynomitesnewbag
You mean the company that's laid off half its staff and has been warned about delisting from the Stock Exchange because its price has plummeted? That Starry?
stannenb t1_iy53hrt wrote
Reply to Municipal Broadband Roundtable by blackdynomitesnewbag
The full presentation to the Council can be found here:
stannenb t1_iy52tw4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Municipal Broadband Roundtable by blackdynomitesnewbag
So, you have no evidence and your proposed alternative - knock on random doors - doesn't pass the laugh test.
stannenb t1_iy4khii wrote
Reply to Municipal Broadband Roundtable by blackdynomitesnewbag
From the presentation to be given to Councilors. Resident support for municipal broadband is extraordinary, with 66% supporting it, even if tax subsidies are required.
stannenb t1_iu1ni3v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is Cambridge MA a ripoff and the worst place to live? by [deleted]
Cambridge could eliminate poverty within its borders very quickly by cutting off social service and housing assistance programs. Instead, it chooses to support people who would not otherwise be able to live there.
As for 50%, citation needed.
stannenb t1_iu1mc85 wrote
>extremely high poverty rate
>Cost of living is astronomically high
Astronomically high cost of living yet a lot of poor people live there. Huh.
stannenb OP t1_jdfzjw2 wrote
Reply to comment by cptninc in Cambridge Unveils Report on Municipal Broadband Feasibility and Business Model Options by stannenb
Then why haven't they done it already? Oh, that's right, the rounding error.