startwithaidea OP t1_jb1g15k wrote
Reply to comment by Garden_girlie9 in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Life isn’t both ways plus this is the internet and it goes a long ways to be accepting all around ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_jb1fx8s wrote
Reply to comment by Garden_girlie9 in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Nope will always support positive or not so great 😀
startwithaidea OP t1_jb1fcam wrote
Reply to comment by Garden_girlie9 in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Link for support:
Opening para:
When you acknowledge your anxious feelings, you take an important step toward feeling better. Facing the truth can be very empowering because once you name the problem you can go about solving it.
startwithaidea OP t1_jb1f70m wrote
Reply to comment by alral1988 in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Link for support if you need it:
startwithaidea OP t1_jb1f5q1 wrote
Reply to comment by Garden_girlie9 in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Link for support if you need it:
startwithaidea OP t1_jb1f3nr wrote
Reply to comment by mangomochamuffin in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Link for support if you need it:
startwithaidea OP t1_jb1f22l wrote
Reply to comment by TechnicalOtaku in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Link for support if you need it:
startwithaidea OP t1_jb14grj wrote
Reply to comment by alral1988 in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
No one way is absolute outside of what has been said or done, you are not able to take back a feeling or thought so maybe 🤔?
startwithaidea OP t1_jb14614 wrote
Reply to comment by Zero_Burn in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
When an event or action is in motion or has been determined for example the comments here, outside of yours. Nothing can change those and it would likely be very difficult to sway the opinions because they are predetermined. So if we accept it, what ever however you judge good or not so great, than maybe it’s easier to move forward with whatever challenges you might have
startwithaidea OP t1_jb13paa wrote
Reply to [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Thanks for sharing your thoughts 💭 ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_jb11ttv wrote
Reply to comment by devomke in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Life isn’t about agreeing or disagreeing it’s acceptance and moving forward. Appreciate you and thanks for your thoughts 💭 ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_jb0zxzb wrote
Reply to comment by Garden_girlie9 in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
Agree, however the point is that by accepting it IMO, will or may allow you to move on to whatever is next. It is often hard to move on after a tough life situation whatever that might be, because we all different ways of dealing with things or accepting things.
A great example is people have a hard time accepting that anyone regardless of gender or race can do anything they want given the same chance, tools and encouragement. That’s hard for some because they or all they have set in there mind is a: living a life they couldn’t so now your living it through say the littles or b: there is always a winner or loser. That outcome is predetermined before the competition starts, and no matter how much anxiety or grief one has will change what is next. Because it has yet to happen ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_jaf01hz wrote
Reply to comment by RudieBabiee in [image]I appreciate you for being the best you! by startwithaidea
startwithaidea OP t1_jaezwhc wrote
startwithaidea OP t1_jacea3v wrote
Reply to comment by Italiana47 in [image]I appreciate you for being the best you! by startwithaidea
startwithaidea OP t1_jace936 wrote
Reply to comment by sweetchameleon in [image]I appreciate you for being the best you! by startwithaidea
startwithaidea OP t1_j6pg047 wrote
Reply to comment by hkvicwong in [Text] No matter how many times you fail, don't give up, try again and fail a different WAY. by startwithaidea
sometimes losing is okay. Life is accepting both the positive and the negative, if you so choose. Myself not speaking for anyone here embrace it, plus it’s your thoughts and that has to be okay. I appreciate you. ❤️😀
startwithaidea OP t1_j6pfp8n wrote
Reply to comment by avitony in [Text] No matter how many times you fail, don't give up, try again and fail a different WAY. by startwithaidea
I love it, keep shooting is an amazing reward. One day he will pay you back. ❤️🤗
startwithaidea OP t1_j6jf6ib wrote
Reply to comment by Raowaa in [Text] No matter how many times you fail, don't give up, try again and fail a different WAY. by startwithaidea
You are welcome good luck on the math exam! You got this
startwithaidea OP t1_j6j1uiv wrote
Reply to comment by ricardo9505 in [Text] No matter how many times you fail, don't give up, try again and fail a different WAY. by startwithaidea
I disagree, never give up on yourself. Take all of what you have learned and do it differently. I do agree that it is insanity to rinse, wash, and repeat having not considered all of what you might have learned.
This though my friend is not insanity, it is learning, being okay with it "equally for the good or bad" and evolving through life's lessons.
startwithaidea t1_j6btftt wrote
Reply to [story] 6 months ago vs now by ArturitoNetito
❤️🤗 thank you for this, it is timely. I’ve been crying a bunch more of late due to a similar feeling of late.
Yeah thank you ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_j68p4to wrote
Reply to comment by EmilyPseu in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
My little loves Wendy’s and was my first grown up Job! They have great simple cheeseburgers ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_j68aun7 wrote
Reply to comment by ThisOnePlaysTooMuch in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
Yeah, maybe I accept that, though I’d say definitely not AI or brand, just being me. Though I appreciate your opinion ❤️🤗
startwithaidea OP t1_j68al1f wrote
Reply to comment by ThisOnePlaysTooMuch in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
That’s on the east coast? Is that similar to Rally’s, if I’m in NC I’ll have to try them. They look amazing thanks for sharing
startwithaidea OP t1_jb1gczi wrote
Reply to comment by Garden_girlie9 in [image]no amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen by startwithaidea
❤️💭 appreciate you and hope you have the best day.