startwithaidea OP t1_j68ab4z wrote
Reply to comment by onlycrazypeoplesmile in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
Big heart to you have the best weekend!
startwithaidea OP t1_j68a7jr wrote
Reply to comment by ThisOnePlaysTooMuch in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
Nope not a corporate account, a real human normal everyday dad, husband and son that has 3 goldens and lives in AZ. Has debt, struggles with his marriage and decisions at times. A normal person just sharing a moment of grateful. Big heart!
startwithaidea OP t1_j68a1nv wrote
Reply to comment by ThisOnePlaysTooMuch in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
Morning to you, definitely not an ad. Big heart, my message I thought 💭 would be great to share. I hope you have the best day. ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_j65wq77 wrote
Reply to comment by Frency2 in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
Thank you for your drop ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_j65wonr wrote
Reply to comment by daisymaisy505 in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
French Fries no questions asked ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_j65wmj3 wrote
Reply to comment by I_H8_2_love_U_4_ever in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
What’s your favorite brand of fries? ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_j65w9zi wrote
Reply to comment by Few-Butterscotch3413 in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
startwithaidea OP t1_j50qbkk wrote
Reply to comment by deathbyBayshore in [image] For whomever see’s this, you are amazing by startwithaidea
Perfect, what ever inspires you, we all support. 🤗
startwithaidea OP t1_j4xvwg9 wrote
Reply to comment by bboymixer in [video]“Choice” “Chance” “Change” You must make a “Choice” To take a “Chance” or your life will never “Change” by startwithaidea
The hardest thing in life I believe in my heart is making a simple choice. It’s why there are so many flavors and colors. All to say “me.” Appreciate you and your choice to express yourself! You rock!
startwithaidea OP t1_j4l1w76 wrote
Reply to comment by Adiwik in [text] If you see this, you must, yes you, must have the best day. by startwithaidea
I love it, it’s your choice always!
startwithaidea OP t1_j4jldl1 wrote
Reply to comment by iUeMagazineOfficial in [image] Go do something you’ve always wanted to do today, no matter how small or big ❤️ by startwithaidea
Love ❤️ this
startwithaidea OP t1_j4gitx4 wrote
Reply to comment by assassinpk1 in [image] Go do something you’ve always wanted to do today, no matter how small or big ❤️ by startwithaidea
Go do it, the fear will always be there ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_j47mgz1 wrote
Reply to comment by nitishpanwar01 in [image] For whomever see’s this, you are amazing by startwithaidea
Always! Have the best day to you.
startwithaidea OP t1_j47meoo wrote
Reply to comment by WhiskyAtNoon in [image] For whomever see’s this, you are amazing by startwithaidea
Way to go, it’s your day, it’s how you feel. If it’s fuck it, fuck it just enjoy that feeling.
Have the best whatever day it is for you ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_j46q9fo wrote
Reply to comment by PRicanGinger in [image] For whomever see’s this, you are amazing by startwithaidea
You tooo ❤️
startwithaidea OP t1_j46f97a wrote
Reply to comment by TheSpiritualCo in [image] For whomever see’s this, you are amazing by startwithaidea
Big thank you and happy Fry Day!
startwithaidea OP t1_j3h68g5 wrote
Reply to comment by fdillinger37 in [Image]Speak your truth by startwithaidea
In deed, though I’d say no ask, to think to much about what to say, is it then worth even speaking?
startwithaidea OP t1_j3dbhyo wrote
Reply to comment by 40moreyears in [Image]Speak your truth by startwithaidea
Yes, it very much depends on what the truth is to you.
startwithaidea t1_j1729q5 wrote
Quote of all quotes to end the year on ❤️
startwithaidea t1_j0ty467 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [image] Experience never goes wasted by _Cautious_Memory
🥹 I understand, the hardest thing is sometimes picking yourself up out of that spot. I cry a lot now, more than I have ever. It’s okay, it really is to struggle. We all do, I cry because of certain moments, that moment is me looking back. I know I can’t, and it becomes hard when I forget that I’ve made it this far. I lose sight of the now, no matter how hard “it was or may still be.” I’m here, we are here. Look 👀 at how far we have made it ❤️
startwithaidea t1_j0sp89r wrote
Reply to comment by _Cautious_Memory in [image] Experience never goes wasted by _Cautious_Memory
startwithaidea t1_j0sp7g3 wrote
Reply to comment by plenoto in [image] Experience never goes wasted by _Cautious_Memory
startwithaidea t1_j0slxic wrote
Reply to [image] Experience never goes wasted by _Cautious_Memory
Experience is everything, what you learned, what you practiced, the existing knowledge from the prior experience.
Share it, give it, grow from it.
You got this! Keep going, there really is no such thing as going backwards. Time only moves forward ❤️ so will you 😃❤️🤗
startwithaidea OP t1_j68aeo1 wrote
Reply to comment by gotsthepockets in [image]Remember the power you have. by startwithaidea
I agree, McDonalds I don’t know if you even make it out of the parking lot with them when they are fresh. Close second would be Five Guys!