
sticky_symbols t1_j5ga2db wrote

Very few humans make great inventions, do much art, or write books. A lot of them still consider their lives meaningful, with or without religion.

Why? I'm pretty sure it's because they:

Accomplish goals and complete cool projects

Create meaningful relationships

Positively impact other people.

These things are all still possible when AI is better at everything.


sticky_symbols t1_j5bndmp wrote

I'm pretty sure we could do a highly compressed simulation that interacts with the way our brains compress information, instead of working at the level of atoms. And it would look as high-resolution as the real world.

Your brain can create high resolution simulations. Once when I had a lucid dream, I looked at the detail in a plant's leaves and was amazed at the full detail I saw when looking closely. If you only do detail where people are attending, it doesn't take much processing power.


sticky_symbols t1_j598v86 wrote

The AI isn't stupid in any way in those misalignment scenarios. Read "the AI understands and does not care".

I can't follow any positive claims you might have. You're saying lots of existing ideas are dumb, but I'm not following your arguments for ideas to replace them.


sticky_symbols t1_j56iyym wrote

That's all true of VR now. We were originally discussing VR in a post-singularity and presumably post-scarcity world. That type of VR could be a lot better, and not necessitate leaving for base reality at all. I'd eventually like to have my mind uploaded and backed up, rather than dependent on a physical body.


sticky_symbols t1_j556zz2 wrote

One point people make is about internal consistency. That's a big part of what we call reality. If you could work to build things and make friends, and random chance frequently came along and changed everything, you wouldn't feel like that work was worth doing. I think we care more about whether our current reality is reliable than whether it happens to be base reality.


sticky_symbols t1_j5229zk wrote

The other point of view is you depriving trillions of people from living delightful lives so that you can live in base reality.

Even though you couldn't tell the difference in some simulations. You can simulate in arbitrarily high definitions, and simulate full ecosystems and everything else you want.

It sounds like you haven't thought this through thoroughly yet. I hope this discussion is useful.


sticky_symbols t1_j5190fl wrote

VR can feel every bit as real as the real world, once it's fully developed and connecting to our brains directly.

And it will take far fewer resources than the real world.

Why settle for one planet when we could have a million virtual ones, each unique, in the same space? And a million times the population to enjoy it.


sticky_symbols t1_j3m9zwl wrote

It is not. It doesn't learn from its interactions with humans. At all.

That data might be used by humans to make a new version that's improved. But that will be done by humans.

It is not self aware in the way humans are.

These are known facts. Everyone who knows how the system works would agree with all of this. The one guy that argued LAMDA was self aware just had a really broad definition.