strangest_tribe20 t1_je6erv4 wrote
Reply to What books / authors are you thankful to get to read in the language they were originally produced in? by MenitoBussolini
Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell.
Let me explain, I'm Brazilian, native Portuguese speaker. And this is one my favourite books.
To OP, if you can read in Portuguese, try Valter Hugo Mãe. I've recently finished a book called O filho de mil homens.
Idk if there's a translation in English.
strangest_tribe20 t1_je4roi5 wrote
Reply to The Picture of Dorian Gray by ThatxBritishxBoy
So many good quotes.
strangest_tribe20 t1_jefmv9d wrote
Reply to What book did you go into thinking you were going to dislike, but ended up loving? (And vice versa) by keep_it_trillani
A tale of two cities.
I thought I'd love it. And even tho it's not really bad, Dickens' style wasn't for me. I dont wanna try other books by him.
On the other hand, I didnt have much expectations for Jane Eyre, and I loved it.