subzero112001 t1_j6lednx wrote
Reply to comment by electrical-neo in Parents hate homework just as much, if not more than their kids. by PeculiarPete
> that schools should be the place for learning, not homes
Sounds like you and your parents were pretty dumb.
Parents are supposed to constantly teach their children. This is basic biology.
subzero112001 t1_j6le77o wrote
Reply to comment by FindorKotor93 in 3.8 billion people believe human life started with a Man and His Clone by Acceptable-Shape-528
>Very few people ever believe there was a nothing
You obviously haven't spent much time around.....I guess anyone?
>the good faith attempts to communicate it to you in your language always fall on eagerly closed minded ears.
To me specifically? How would you have any idea how receptive I am to "beginning of time" explanations? Pointing out an irrational concept does not put me on any particular side.
> you believe it is infinitely more complex than what it caused by merit of being able to hold the details of our universe in its mind and actively create design from them all at once.
Again, how do you have any idea what I believe? I never made any statements insinuating my personal beliefs.
subzero112001 t1_j6ldlfk wrote
Reply to comment by ColeusRattus in 3.8 billion people believe human life started with a Man and His Clone by Acceptable-Shape-528
Telling me to do perform a specific act isn't an explanation of your theory.
So i'm still waiting for an explanation.
subzero112001 t1_j6hpv5v wrote
Reply to comment by ColeusRattus in 3.8 billion people believe human life started with a Man and His Clone by Acceptable-Shape-528
Sure, it’s credible.
subzero112001 t1_j6ho9k4 wrote
Reply to comment by ColeusRattus in 3.8 billion people believe human life started with a Man and His Clone by Acceptable-Shape-528
Wait, how does simply claiming to have an answer automatically disqualify itself as credible?
subzero112001 t1_j6ho5z7 wrote
Reply to comment by ColeusRattus in 3.8 billion people believe human life started with a Man and His Clone by Acceptable-Shape-528
Yeah except those “most things” were considered to be “nothing” before the initial explosion.
Hence why it’s odd that people basically assert “nothing” condensed into a dense ball of “nothing” and then exploded which eventually turned into everything.
subzero112001 t1_j6hmc8w wrote
Only a stupid parent would dislike homework for their child. Anyone with half a brain understands the incredible value of homework.
Unless that specific homework is particularly counterproductive to education.
subzero112001 t1_j6c736a wrote
Reply to comment by iFlyskyguy in A lot of people take kindness for weakness, that’s why costumer service workers get mistreated. by PokeManiac16
“We’re not animals”
Yes we are.
“We evolved past the need to prey on the weak”
No we haven’t. We prey on the other animals on this planet day in and day out.
subzero112001 t1_j6c6kx0 wrote
Reply to comment by A-B_D in A lot of people take kindness for weakness, that’s why costumer service workers get mistreated. by PokeManiac16
“Need to take advantage”
Nah you don’t NEED to. But humans do.
Have you seen how humans treat all the other animals on this planet? The ones that are “inferior” to us? We take advantage of them all the time.
subzero112001 t1_j6c67v6 wrote
Reply to comment by Letmepatyourcat in A lot of people take kindness for weakness, that’s why costumer service workers get mistreated. by PokeManiac16
Then Rousseau was blind and deaf. Because apparently they never saw how humans take advantage of animals(aka weaker beings).
subzero112001 t1_j6c5y4j wrote
Reply to comment by Excludos in A lot of people take kindness for weakness, that’s why costumer service workers get mistreated. by PokeManiac16
“We don’t leave our weakest to die”
Yes, poor people live amazing lives. /s
Also, the way how humans treat inferior animal on the planet is based upon us taking advantage of our superiority.
subzero112001 t1_j6759ro wrote
Reply to comment by calguy1955 in A lot of people take kindness for weakness, that’s why costumer service workers get mistreated. by PokeManiac16
Taking advantage of something exhibiting an apparent weakness is a basic law of nature. Welcome to planet earth.
subzero112001 t1_j5i4aw8 wrote
Reply to comment by bak3donh1gh in TIL that Titanic crewman Herbert Pitman made an attempt to row his lifeboat over to rescue people in the water, but was overruled by the other occupants of the boat, who were worried about people swarming them and duly complied. Pitman said that this haunted him throughout his life. by ChadExtra
Anyone with half a brain should be able to tell that desperate people who are dying can do pretty incredible things to survive.
subzero112001 t1_j5egdzd wrote
Reply to comment by psilocin72 in A woman is ordered to repay her employer for time theft by fartingfreddy1
“You’ll wait for a very long time”
Yeah, I gotta wait for you to grow up. That definitely will take a while.
So I’ll speak to you again if that ever happens. Until then, good luck!
subzero112001 t1_j5dkan1 wrote
Just keep in mind that just because you “start over” does not mean your past no longer exists.
subzero112001 t1_j58qi1m wrote
Reply to comment by psilocin72 in A woman is ordered to repay her employer for time theft by fartingfreddy1
A lot of ad hominem and zero rational retorts. You don’t even have a clue on how to converse huh? Life really must be rough on you…..
I’m still waiting for an actual response.
subzero112001 t1_j58ctv8 wrote
Reply to comment by psilocin72 in A woman is ordered to repay her employer for time theft by fartingfreddy1
If I’m a troll, why are you still responding then? What a scrub….
subzero112001 t1_j58bqi3 wrote
Reply to comment by psilocin72 in A woman is ordered to repay her employer for time theft by fartingfreddy1
That’s rich coming from the person who can’t read yet constantly froths at the mouth. I’m still waiting on an actual retort.
subzero112001 t1_j53zv9n wrote
Reply to comment by psilocin72 in A woman is ordered to repay her employer for time theft by fartingfreddy1
Absolutely no part of your response has been valid. It's mostly just been you covering your ears with your hands while you yell. Good luck with that disability. I'm sure life is tough for you.
subzero112001 t1_j4tipxk wrote
Reply to comment by psilocin72 in A woman is ordered to repay her employer for time theft by fartingfreddy1
I said I don't care if you want to play such an ignorant act, it doesn't mean that i'll actively support your intentional ignorance.
Seriously, grow up.
subzero112001 t1_j4opesu wrote
Reply to comment by psilocin72 in A woman is ordered to repay her employer for time theft by fartingfreddy1
>wage theft
Type in "how to address wage theft" into your browser. You'll learn that its very straightforward to fix. But if you want to play such an ignorant act, go ahead. I really don't care.
>If you’re siding with huge corporations rather than your friends
Are you being intentionally daft? I literally said "Report the business". Can you not read very well? I would suggest going back and actually reading what is being written. Then triple check it before you start typing nonsense.
subzero112001 t1_j4mvd61 wrote
Reply to comment by psilocin72 in A woman is ordered to repay her employer for time theft by fartingfreddy1
>people get weirdly offended when they hear that big corporations are taking advantage of workers.
Why would anyone get offended? That's basically what working for someone else always is?
Nevertheless, your statement doesn't refute or explain how a company FORCES you to work off the clock. But I understand that you can't actually come up with any kind of valid logic. So don't worry, I get that you're limited in your possible responses.
subzero112001 t1_j4mrjs9 wrote
Reply to comment by borisperrons in [Image] You are the only one who can change your life. No one will do it for you. by sylsau
>Find another, higher paying job which happens to not exist in this area
You have the highest paying job in your state/country? Good on you!
>Find a less expensive place to live which happens to not exist in this area
Changing the place you live isn't the only way a person can spend less money. But I guess you didn't know that huh?
>Thanks mate, you have solved all my problems in the world, appreciate
If you don't believe a solution exists, you're bound to merely roll around at the bottom of the dumpster.
Humans didn't get to space by believing that walking was the only mode of transportation.
If you're physically unable to move whatsoever or you were born into a place like Yemen or something along either of those lines, THEN you have an excuse for why its basically impossible for you to achieve more. Otherwise stop being a lazy pos and stop making excuses just so you feel better about your personal choices(that you're supposedly not responsible for).
subzero112001 t1_j4kcptd wrote
Reply to comment by skrybll in [Image] You are the only one who can change your life. No one will do it for you. by sylsau
Most of the time it depends on how dumb a person is.
subzero112001 t1_j6lellp wrote
Reply to comment by BreakfastBeerz in Parents hate homework just as much, if not more than their kids. by PeculiarPete
>because the parents often have to help their kids do it
Oh NO! Woe is me that a parent has to help teach their child?!?!?