subzero112001 t1_ixsr819 wrote
Reply to comment by Art-Is-Life in [Image] "A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson by Butterflies_Books
It’s hotter on average given the extra time.
subzero112001 t1_ix7h01y wrote
Reply to comment by SoTastyWhales in The famous Butterfly Dream of Taoist Philosophy and how it recommends a radical openness to judging right from wrong by CaptainOfTheKeys
Uh, in summary I was saying that Good and evil being subjective is fine. But resorting to basing your decisions off of what other people want is useless.
So we basically agreed.
subzero112001 t1_ix7bme9 wrote
Reply to comment by SoTastyWhales in The famous Butterfly Dream of Taoist Philosophy and how it recommends a radical openness to judging right from wrong by CaptainOfTheKeys
That line of thought is still useless. Because it basically means that you should pander your actions to the masses. And we all know how stupid a mass of people can be. So living to please them is a very flawed and biased view.
subzero112001 t1_iugn35j wrote
Reply to comment by Sharpshooter188 in LPT how do people have a strong mindset and self-discipline to succeed in life? how do they create so much awareness in life and willingness to learn? by Akashh23_pop
Success is different for everyone. Don’t need to make a ton of money to be “successful”.
subzero112001 t1_ito5seg wrote
Reply to comment by thejoeymonster in Many countries have a "hidden welfare state" for incumbent homeowners, as governments subsidize homeowners through the tax system. The homeownership welfare state is strongest in the US and other Anglophone countries, but weakest in the Scandinavian countries. by smurfyjenkins
> buy outright and then rent back to us for the mortgage plus cost plus expenses and most importantly profit.
Saying that you pay more because someone else makes a business out of it is like saying that walmart makes more money cause it buys stuff in bulk then sells it to you at an increased price. Thats not really an argument but more like a method of making money.
>Aside from the loss of paying rent
But when you pay rent, you don't have to pay for repairs and maintenance. Heck, sometimes the utilities are included into that rent. Much cheaper than spending $20,000 on a new roof. Or paying $9,000 in taxes per year.
>we also lose in higher interest and insurance rates over those who can make larger down payment
The interest rates are based upon a system which is doing a person a favor. By loaning them money. It's not "Poor people pay more for a house", its more like "The more money you borrow, the more interest you'll have to pay". It doesn't matter whether they're poor or rich, the more money they borrow the more interest and higher rates they'll have to deal with.
Btw, a poor person can still get great rates if they have good credit.
subzero112001 t1_itfn9iz wrote
Reply to comment by straight-lampin in [Tool] All of the problems in this world could be solved with a motivated populace who prided themselves on being involved with the intellectual debates of the day with a good faith effort to make things better. by straight-lampin
People ARE trying to make things better. Better for themselves mostly.
subzero112001 t1_itbf82x wrote
Reply to comment by Parkimedes in Many countries have a "hidden welfare state" for incumbent homeowners, as governments subsidize homeowners through the tax system. The homeownership welfare state is strongest in the US and other Anglophone countries, but weakest in the Scandinavian countries. by smurfyjenkins
Could you explain how poor people are paying more for housing compared to someone who buys a house?
subzero112001 t1_ita6fuz wrote
Reply to comment by dalyon in [Image] Sometimes failure is brought on by oneself. by IanAgate
I haven’t heard of that. Source?
But even if he did use steroids, that doesn’t make his quote false. If Hitler said “2+2=4”, it doesn’t make that statement false just because he was a horrific person.
subzero112001 t1_it74ijb wrote
Reply to comment by GeneralZaroff1 in [Image] Sometimes failure is brought on by oneself. by IanAgate
That quote doesn't claim "they didn't want it bad enough". It states that if you give up early on because things are difficult or you don't see progress, you might never see success.
Working diligently and intelligently towards your goal doesn't make your success rate 100%, it makes your success rate >0%. But if you give up then your chance of success is 0%.
subzero112001 t1_ixt4z7d wrote
Reply to comment by croninsiglos in Pregnant women exposed to alcohol are at a significantly greater risk of developing post-partum depression, meta-analysis shows. by Respawan
“These people drink alcohol, likely for a reason”
Uh, they drink alcohol for the same reason everyone else’s drinks it. Cause it’s a drug.