
subzero112001 t1_j4kcnap wrote

You have control over certain things like getting a job that pays well.

You have control over your financial budget.

You also have control over how many bullshit excuses you make to pretend like everything is completely out of your control.

If you act mediocre, don’t complain about achieving mediocre results.


subzero112001 t1_j4jhpjz wrote

“Employers paying less than they are supposed to”

If your employer doesn’t pay you the proper amount, you can easily just report them and the government will force them to pay you along with possible fines. So they’d get screwed over real quick for almost no effort on the workers part.

“Work off the clock”

I don’t understand. Do they hold a gun to the head of the employee or something? How are they FORCING someone to work off the clock?


subzero112001 t1_j3fzpef wrote

Be careful OP, you’re making it seem like people might have to take some kind of personal responsibility.

Redditors don’t like that thought.


subzero112001 t1_j0kwsms wrote

You said it’s an out of date concept. Why would something that is rational and reasonably applies to present day be considered “out of date”?

A purely “rehabilitative” justice system would merely be abused by just about every single criminal. There would be zero repercussions.

Many criminals perform a crime because they believe that there won’t be any repercussions. Literally changing the system so there are no repercussions would cause crime rates to explode causing a complete destruction of our society.

I find it humorous how you’ve altered my statement of “the punishment should fit the crime” and molded it towards “children deserve to go to prison with adults”, which is not what I stated.


subzero112001 t1_j0kr47q wrote

“The punishment should fit the crime” is an incredibly rational way to approach those kinds of situations.

I didn’t use any religious background rationale to support that phrase. Small crimes getting small punishments and big crimes getting big punishments is very understandable logic.


subzero112001 t1_j0jrr8f wrote

Damn, it’s almost like the crime performed by the kid had to be pretty heinous huh? Such as a crime that would FOREVER effect the victim?(such as blowing your moms brains out with a handgun, because she didn’t buy you a VR headset).

And since the punishment should fit the crime…….


subzero112001 t1_izxc5lz wrote

>Agency isn’t agent-relative but it’s agency itself.

> It’s a possession which everyone has in equal capacity

No, they really don't have an equal capacity. Not hypothetically, realistically, or even in any manner is it equal.

> no justifiable difference exists (you can’t say that one is more free than others)

Agency over oneself compared to not having agency over another entity is a massive difference.


There unfortunately seems to be some big lapse in mutual comprehension here.


subzero112001 t1_iycce0t wrote

Your response(or failure to actually respond to the main point) indicates you understand that what I'm saying is true, but you'd rather waste time using ad hominem attacks instead of putting forth any actually effort for a rational reply. Just because that route is easy for you to do so and walk away while feeling good about yourself. How unfortunate.


subzero112001 t1_ixx5wxp wrote

Completely over as in “it’s not a law anymore”. Not completely over as in “racism no longer exists”. Racism will probably always exist given how stupid humans are.

As a non-white, I say the biggest issue holding back another non-white here in the US is our propensity for blaming our issues on others and failing to take responsibility for our own choices and actions.

The racism both of my non-white parents experienced along with their parents before them have basically nothing to do with how successful or unsuccessful I am today.


subzero112001 t1_ixu6xfm wrote

Structural racism? Do you mean like black people needing lower scores to get into colleges compared to white people?

Pretty sure Reddit has recognized such things for some time now.


subzero112001 t1_ixu6sai wrote

Where are you getting the idea that someone thinks that the issue is resolved overnight? I’ve never heard of anyone making such a claim. Yet you keep making a point to bring it up sarcastically.
