sudden_cookie44 t1_jd8ap0w wrote
They are buying the land and will very likely tear down that house - 0.14 acres is good size to build something.
I've seen some pretty ok homes (in nice neighborhoods) being torn down to build something custom for the owner.
sudden_cookie44 t1_ja2rm3l wrote
Reply to comment by Adghar in How far off are we from not needing to learn languages? by AmericanMonsterCock
Agree. Fwiw I feel like chatgpt takes culture into consideration and translate euphemism pretty well. Where Google translates stuff literally and a lot will get lost in translation.
sudden_cookie44 t1_j9v4ake wrote
Reply to comment by pm8888 in Kodak Fotomat, circa 1968 Fiat 850 Spider by pm8888
1968 feels about right for this picture based on the cars and when fotomat islands were popular
sudden_cookie44 t1_jd8fgg1 wrote
Reply to comment by The_eldritch_bitch in Cheap house. Under 300k. You’re not a homeowner because you’re lazy…. by fuertepqek
0.14 acres = 6,098 sq ft. That is a good sized lot in proximity to a major city.