
sweetspringchild t1_j1pog4b wrote

It's the general feeling that matches, I don't think neither music nor human emotions can neatly be packed into boxes.

Nobody is ever feeling just in love.

Or a romantic song could just sound optimistic and hopeful to you and you're optimistic and hopeful in that moment.

And of course what sounds romantic to one person might not to other.

It's not clear-cut, it's just a general trend they noticed.

But also you could have read a romantic book, and be in such mood even though it might not have happened to you personally.


sweetspringchild t1_ivyedvi wrote

I had an issue with the dialogue as they both should have been women who are excellent at expressing themselves >!a veteran actress and a good journalist!< but weren't written that way.

Also, any book that goes into extremely detailed description of decor of any room a character walk in (without doing it to create an atmosphere), and long descriptions of what characters are wearing (without it adding anything to characterization) is immediately suspect to me.


sweetspringchild t1_itty5el wrote

> >!One thing, though. A major character for the good guys (Thorin) dies, as do Fili and Kili. That’s something kids might or might not handle well.!<

You should mark this with spoilers.

As for the death, A LOT of children's books, especially those written more than a few decades ago, have characters dying:

>!Charlotte’s Web, Bambi, a Life in the Woods, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson series, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Giving Tree, Old Yeller, Bridge to Terabithia, Little Women, Esperanza Rising,...!<

And yeah, I bawled at some of them. Still remember.


sweetspringchild t1_itfb3j1 wrote

It felt like trying to read the Bible except the Bible at least has a historical value in the real world. Never got past the first few pages of Bible either. Some books shall have to remain unread.

(Just looking for a kindred spirit to commiserate on our shared hate and suffering, not trying to ruin anyone's enjoyment. I am genuinely happy for people who enjoyed Silimarillion, it's not always easy finding the next book you're going to love.)