t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_itvvgjn wrote
Reply to comment by bananafobe in Man bursts into flames after being tasered during arrest in Arkansas by V3r4L4u7aro420
Just use the alcohol free stuff on days when you do things you can be tazed for..
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_itvuxmh wrote
What kind of dumbass carries gasoline in a backpack?
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_itj4zm4 wrote
Was this toy placed here through affirmative action?
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_itio6rk wrote
Reply to comment by mysticalfruit in Russia's defense chief warns of 'dirty bomb' provocation by letschangethename
Well that really all depends on who is in the bunker when the order is given. Russian commanders do, or at least used to, have some autonomy in this regard to make the decision to launch after given a launch order by leadership.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_itig2r7 wrote
Reply to comment by High_Seas_Pirate in Russia's defense chief warns of 'dirty bomb' provocation by letschangethename
I know this, when Putin croaks, I'm going long on rubles and hryvnia.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_ithmyv2 wrote
We really need Putin to have a major stroke, heart attack, aneurysm, Caesar style going away party, something. The minute he is out of the way this all de-escalates in a hot minute. I would not expect his successor to pursue any of this.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_itai77l wrote
What the fuck did they expect? and warnings???
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_it8qna5 wrote
Good. Seniors and the disabled should not be treated badly.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_irptm7g wrote
Reply to New licensing round for oil and gas exploration in the North Sea "good for the environment” insists UK climate minister by WilliamMorris420
Which environment???
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_irdu4jn wrote
Microsolutions to megaproblems
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_irdtzmw wrote
Reply to comment by Fake_William_Shatner in Belarus Leader Bans Price Rises to Tackle Inflation by AlxIp
Yeah Rick Scott pulled the same shit when he was Governor of Florida.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_iqzw2b1 wrote
Reply to comment by ppanlama in Poland demands $1.3 trillion in war damages from Germany by allergic-toeveryting
It's what politicians do.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_iqzvpd0 wrote
Reply to comment by PsychologicalTear899 in Poland demands $1.3 trillion in war damages from Germany by allergic-toeveryting
We don't have money for that shit either. Medical in the US is mind boggling expensive and the waits get worse every year. The whole world is largely in the same boat. Excessive debt is crushing every nation under foot. Too many people for too finite resources. Add in a generation or 2 that you can't get to move out of the basement at 40, much less work, or if they do they all want to do is sit on their asses and be youtubers, not carpenters, plumbers, or medical personnel. It may be soup lines for all of us here soon.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_iqzs9ie wrote
Reply to comment by t4ct1c4l_j0k3r in Poland demands $1.3 trillion in war damages from Germany by allergic-toeveryting
or worse
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_iqzs7dm wrote
Reply to comment by PsychologicalTear899 in Poland demands $1.3 trillion in war damages from Germany by allergic-toeveryting
Think about what you are dealing with exactly. You have an unhinged, land grabbing, delusional, power tripping Russkie that wants to reunite the Russian empire to what it looked like under Katherine the Great. That would include you as well, won't it? Poland would be best to hold off until the Ukraine bullshit blows over. A strong ally would be of the greater importance at the moment. Shit may possibly get much worse. Not to mention your borders are also packed with those fleeing Russia now too. Watch for moles, they may try to Russianize areas and try that sovereign secession stunt they pulled in Ukraine.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_iqz1etx wrote
They couldn't wait a few more years with all of the shit that's going on already?
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_itxbal5 wrote
Reply to comment by ChondroArt in She'll start. by MeetLawrence
That was a Cadillac