tacknosaddle t1_j6llkzn wrote
Reply to comment by caitafers in Truck Local to Olympia, WA: Wit GOD I AINT WORRIED BOUT NUTTIN by guesthouse69
See, I didn't think I had to worry about nuttin' with god, but then fuck 'n Jesus Christ!
tacknosaddle t1_j6lj8xn wrote
Reply to comment by PapaJack2008 in How is the water quality when compared to other cities like NYC? by sea_of_joy__
>Can anyone remember the last " boil water" rule in effect here?
2010 when a main burst is the only one I can think of.
tacknosaddle t1_j6lj2g9 wrote
In 2021 the people who run municipal water systems across the nation had blind taste tests where Boston came out #1.
We also were tops from them in 2014 and have been the top in a similar panel of New England water in 2017.
My theory is that it's so good because when they created the Quabbin reservoir they kicked all of the population of several towns out to flood the valley, so our water is flavored by the tears of the dispossessed.
tacknosaddle t1_j6lh6rh wrote
The plastic sheets can help a lot if the key culprit is a drafty window.
There's another option, but since you rent it's probably off the table though you could ask the landlord.
We have a bedroom that has two exterior walls and is part of a zone where the thermostat is in another bedroom which only has one exterior wall so the former would get really cold before the thermostat called for heat in the other room. We upgraded to an EcoBee thermostat because they have battery powered remote temperature sensors that connects to it. We put one of those in the cold bedroom and the temperature in that room now drives when the heat cycles on and off so it's fine in both rooms.
tacknosaddle t1_j6legav wrote
Reply to I found this on my street corner by TheOneTheOnlyRV
And Australians try to deny that everything there is out to kill you.
tacknosaddle t1_j6ldy6r wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What parts of Boston and surrounding areas do you feel has an undeserved reputation? by SideBarParty
Twenty years ago it was well on its way to what it has become. According to older family friends who grew up there it started shifting when "the yuppies" started moving to the neighborhood in the late 80s and early 90s.
tacknosaddle t1_j6lc247 wrote
Reply to My oldest American coin turned 100 by cote112
I have a handful of old coins, the oldest is an 1885 silver dollar.
tacknosaddle t1_j6klbfo wrote
Reply to comment by AdvertisingNatural36 in I’m pro choice but this was tough to see by panoparker
She's the doll, I know that.
tacknosaddle t1_j6i7gpw wrote
Reply to comment by Chalky_Cupcake in Did pirated music help the iPod become popular? by EglinAirBaseIntern
When the iPod hit it wasn't long before Senuti (iTunes spelled backwards) was available. It was software you could put on your computer which allowed you to grab music from another iPod and upload it to your library then put on yours.
So you could rip all your CDs, but then swap iPods with your friends to grab the stuff they had which you didn't & vice versa.
tacknosaddle t1_j6gavvb wrote
Reply to comment by Born_Ad_4826 in Where are the queer bars/places? by ravenclaw188
I waited tables long enough to also have people who were very nice and just gushed to me about how great the service was leave a 10% tip or less. Fortunately they would generally be one table out of an entire shift so it didn't really sting too bad overall. I'd imagine that it would be a lot worse dealing with a convention crowd where it happens across most tables.
tacknosaddle t1_j6fzyma wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Heads up, next weekend's weather looks terribly cold by treescentric
>No need to be a prick
Are you new to Boston?
tacknosaddle t1_j6du6wc wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Heads up, next weekend's weather looks terribly cold by treescentric
Yeah, I kinda thought the "and you have a boiler" part made that clear, but here we are.
tacknosaddle t1_j6cww7t wrote
Reply to comment by Rough-Jackfruit2306 in Heads up, next weekend's weather looks terribly cold by treescentric
You need to be careful with that. If you go with a blunt solution by turning it off where it comes in from the street and you have a boiler you're stopping the system from getting makeup water which can damage it.
You should be using a shutoff where you can isolate pipes vulnerable to freezing (e.g. running in outside walls), but it's also important to open the fixture at the "user" end as the water can still freeze and expand which can burst the pipe still.
tacknosaddle t1_j6bvuvn wrote
Reply to comment by BettyWhitesBigTits in Where are the queer bars/places? by ravenclaw188
>They are also shitty tippers.
It was a lesbian friend in the service industry who first told me the line, "The difference between a lesbian and a canoe is that sometimes a canoe tips."
She hated going out to eat or for drinks with a group of lesbian women because she was either mortified at how badly they tipped or felt obligated to go to the bathroom and surreptitiously slip a cash tip to the server to bring the total to an appropriate amount (which could kick her share up considerably).
tacknosaddle t1_j658yjd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I took a 2 1/2 hour flight from Chicago to Boston. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get from Logan to Watertown Square by jenkneefur28
It was less that they didn't know and more that there wasn't the demand or ability to do it. The tunnel under the harbor and line that existed since the early 20th century into Eastie wasn't really near enough to the airport to extend in that direction. It made more sense to extend it to Revere as they did because the amount of people there who needed to get downtown was a much larger driver than people who needed to get to the airport.
tacknosaddle t1_j6550gr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I took a 2 1/2 hour flight from Chicago to Boston. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get from Logan to Watertown Square by jenkneefur28
Yes, and if you read what I wrote I never claimed that it was. I said it was before air travel was commonplace.
The airport station opened in 1952 which was when someone taking a flight somewhere was considered a pretty big deal. To the point that the passengers would buy a new outfit and the whole family was likely to come and see them off.
tacknosaddle t1_j651s5o wrote
Reply to comment by _Karagoez_ in I took a 2 1/2 hour flight from Chicago to Boston. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get from Logan to Watertown Square by jenkneefur28
> I’ve always heard Bostons airport being so close was a pro
I saw an old ad for one of the airport hotels that said, "Conveniently located 1 1/2 miles from downtown Boston!"
I had to laugh to myself at the people who booked there not realizing that they would be an hour and a half away too.
tacknosaddle t1_j651ifs wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I took a 2 1/2 hour flight from Chicago to Boston. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get from Logan to Watertown Square by jenkneefur28
You realize that the blue line was built long before air travel was commonplace, right?
tacknosaddle t1_j61q4hn wrote
Reply to comment by DoodMonkey in A quick shower by ARareThing
It's under renovation, better be certain it's open then.
tacknosaddle t1_j5zlzgp wrote
Reply to comment by kikmaester in Who’s the afterthought now?! by altonbrownie
If I lived in Alaska I would totally have one framed on my wall.
tacknosaddle t1_j4o3w6f wrote
Reply to comment by -CalicoKitty- in Where the hell do I put the snow?! by S_thescientist
The way the lot was configured we were dumping the snow into the side neighbor's back yard, but they were cool with it.
The house behind us threw a fit that snow was getting thrown from our driveway into her yard. It was stupid too because they paid someone to clear their driveway so there was a giant mound of snow that the plow had pushed to the end of their driveway and our snowblower was putting it just over the fence but well behind that mound.
tacknosaddle t1_j4nye20 wrote
Reply to comment by Aesop_Rocks in Where the hell do I put the snow?! by S_thescientist
That winter it got too high for the snowblower to throw the snow over. We had to take stepladders and shovel about four feet off the top and push it down the backside so that the snow didn't just tumble back down onto our parking spaces.
tacknosaddle t1_j3x8o98 wrote
Reply to TIL that Norman Lear has produced, written, created or developed over 100 shows, including "All in the Family", "Sanford and Son" and "The Jeffersons". He's now 100 years old, and still actively producing television shows - most recently, a revival of "Good Times". by TelescopiumHerscheli
I caught the tail end of a tribute show they had for his 100th birthday and Rob Reiner's tribute was so nice. His father and Norman were very close so I imagine that Norman was essentially an uncle to Rob when he was growing up.
tacknosaddle t1_j3nz8i1 wrote
Reply to comment by M80IW in Authorities investigating apparent fatal fall at Mass. General Hospital in Boston – Boston 25 News by zz23ke
>I think it's all speculation at this point.
We have plenty of hearsay and conjecture, those are kinds of evidence.
--Lionel Hutz, esq.
tacknosaddle t1_j6myp87 wrote
Reply to comment by hemingwai in Boston's latest murder victim was just 13 by rabblebowser
You've posted this elsewhere in r/boston and as I pointed out to that comment since 1990 the number of bike lanes has increased dramatically while the number of homicides has plummeted. You are obviously ignoring the irrefutable correlation that additional bike lanes actually reduced homicides in the city of Boston.