
tacknosaddle t1_itsn0xe wrote

I listen to WMBR which is MIT's radio station. They used to be WTBS for its parent organization The Technology Broadcasting System, but in the early days of cable TV Ted Turner wanted those letters so he offered them a big chunk of money to let him have them and they put it all into transmission power so they went from a station you could only get near the campus to covering all of Boston/Cambridge and pretty well out to the suburbs.

The new letters are for Walker Memorial Basement Radio since that's where the station is housed in the Walker Memorial building on the campus.


tacknosaddle t1_itr25ie wrote

>the hikes themselves favor switchbacks far too much. They're just too easy.

A friend who has hiked/camped extensively said something similar. Trails in the east like the AT or Long Trail in VT tend to just scramble straight up and over things while out west you'll do a lot more elevation gain, but the switchbacks mean that you're almost never on a steep incline for long.


tacknosaddle t1_itnvxmx wrote

Reply to comment by LorenzoStomp in Public bathroom germs by matts41

>some people grab them

Sure, but the idea is that the part of your body that comes into contact with them is much less likely to come into contact with another part of your body susceptible to infection by germs. So even if you can only get your wrist into it you're reducing the odds of infection.


tacknosaddle t1_itn7s5n wrote

It makes sense though. If I watch a video someone grabbed of a band playing a song I like it is not going to take away from my enjoyment of seeing it live for myself. In fact being there personally where you're enveloped in the music is an experience that is both different and improved from watching it on a phone, computer or tv.

However, for a comedian if you know the joke & punchline the element of surprise is taken away so it is not going to be as funny and if it is widely known the crowd reaction is going to be seriously diminished.

Plus the big popular comics usually try out material at smaller clubs before going on tour and have a vested interest in not letting a work in progress getting out there before the real money making venture.

However they should use the magnetic lock bags instead.


tacknosaddle t1_itmpfqx wrote

That sounds pretty good. They'd probably have to bring you on in a contract type position to avoid having to deal with benefits, especially since you could cross in and out of full time / part time over the course of a year. With a lot of companies the budget isn't really set up for fluctuating labor costs like that so it would take the company setting it up right to work, but I think it would benefit both sides if they did.


tacknosaddle t1_itmijfl wrote

Reply to comment by annomandaris in Public bathroom germs by matts41

Similar to how stairwell doors should open inward towards the stairwell to prevent a pileup from panic outside of it with the exception being the bottom where the floor has access to the outside which should open outward. You'll also never see revolving doors that either don't have regular doors next to them or are of a design that there is a breaking point which allows both sides of the revolving door to be pushed open in an emergency (that piece of code stems from the Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston).


tacknosaddle t1_itmcbp5 wrote

I used to work a 4 day work week and would go back to it in a heartbeat. You always have one weekday off to get shit done without competing with the weekend crowds, then you have a day to have fun and a day to relax.

We were getting crushed with work but you always came back recharged and ready to go, plus it was easier to "see" the weekend right from the beginning of the week so it didn't feel nearly as heavy.