tacknosaddle t1_j28y8uf wrote
Reply to comment by Wtf_is_this1234 in Kitchen appreciation fee by Hype_x
That's why the AG should get involved, I'm sure there are laws about "hidden fees" or other consumer protection requirements that they could flex.
tacknosaddle t1_j28r14y wrote
Reply to comment by Hype_x in Kitchen appreciation fee by Hype_x
You might be able to tell them to take it off the bill. Similar to if you go out with a large party where they tack on a gratuity and have really shitty service you can tell them to remove it as they can't force you to tip.
This seems like the kind of thing that the Attorneys General office should be looking into so that they are prohibited or at least made abundantly clear before you go to eat.
tacknosaddle t1_iz263ln wrote
Reply to comment by uprightsalmon in Red Hot Chili Peppers Announce 2023 Tour With the Strokes, St. Vincent, and More by Task_Force-191
I've seen them (but it's been a while) and they've always put on a good show. That said, I did have to laugh when one of my co-workers said, "The Chili Peppers are just the Rolling Stones of Gen-X."
tacknosaddle t1_iyetj92 wrote
Reply to comment by outsideroutsider in Massachusetts place names and corresponding locations in the UK by roadtrip-ne
>New York
It'll always be New Amsterdam to me.
tacknosaddle t1_iyetc9r wrote
Reply to comment by BsFan in Massachusetts place names and corresponding locations in the UK by roadtrip-ne
Definitely. A college friend from England came home with me and was weirded out when the highway sign listed a town from next to where he went to school and as he kept seeing other familiar place names.
tacknosaddle t1_iydhzup wrote
Reply to comment by camwisegamgee081290 in Portuguese Markets in the Boston/Cambridge Area Stocking Brisa? by zepporamone
Or that Fall River has the geese that don't fly.
tacknosaddle t1_iyawbm0 wrote
Reply to comment by disco_t0ast in I would purchase this by mzzy_ozborne
It's also not made of fire retardant material so don't use it for your kids' pajamas.
tacknosaddle t1_iyavy9w wrote
Reply to comment by squarerootofapplepie in I would purchase this by mzzy_ozborne
>people claim racism is why Fall River is hated
It's an easy mistake though. When people say that they're afraid the rail link will "bring crime" from Fall River to Boston it's assumed to be coded racist language against ethnic minorities. We're really just terrified of matricidal and patricidal white axe-murderesses.
tacknosaddle t1_ixvbohr wrote
Reply to comment by Canadian_Infidel in Electric-vehicle charging stations could use as much power as a small town by 2035 — and the grid isn't ready by Sorin61
I'm not confused. Home charging for an electric car can be done with a regular 110V outlet, but it is very slow. If you hook it up to a 220V then it will charge overnight and those are common home outlets for electric stoves and dryers. Nobody is looking to put the "quick charge" stations in their homes, those are and will continue to be commercial applications.
tacknosaddle t1_ixv2pq8 wrote
Reply to comment by Canadian_Infidel in Electric-vehicle charging stations could use as much power as a small town by 2035 — and the grid isn't ready by Sorin61
>they can't step up the voltage much more at local levels, usually not at all.
Car chargers for the home run on 220V. Are you really trying to say that the current grid cannot supply that voltage to houses?
tacknosaddle t1_ixrtzu6 wrote
Reply to Startups in Boston? by massahoochie
Check out MassBio as they're the industry organization for the state.
tacknosaddle t1_ixrrozc wrote
Reply to comment by Substantial-Course97 in Electric-vehicle charging stations could use as much power as a small town by 2035 — and the grid isn't ready by Sorin61
>While we are sleeping we will be using the energy that is usually sold to the US at a loss.
Sounds like the pentagon needs to start planning that invasion across the northern border to protect Canadian's freedom.
tacknosaddle t1_ixrrfbi wrote
Reply to comment by RhoOfFeh in Electric-vehicle charging stations could use as much power as a small town by 2035 — and the grid isn't ready by Sorin61
I love how the people who are the most jingoistic in their patriotism are also the ones who are most likely to be claiming that we can't switch to EVs because the grid can't handle it.
America developed an atomic weapon in about four years and put a man on the moon in about a decade, but somehow we are incapable of expanding the grid to shift from gas to electric vehicles. I usually point that out and then ask why they don't have any faith in America's abilities.
tacknosaddle t1_ixr29h7 wrote
Reply to comment by LordRumBottoms in A Trejo Thanksgiving. by DinoRoman
I heard an interview with him where he talked about how he feels like he screwed up a bit in how he used his money raising his kids. Basically gave them too much money & freedom for the age they were at. IIRC they're okay now but were a bit of a mess when they were young adults.
tacknosaddle t1_ixgt93z wrote
Reply to comment by fauxpublica in The 17 victims of the Hingham Apple Store crash might have to share a $40,000 insurance payout. by il_biciclista
The general rule of thumb that the victims' lawyer(s) will use is to identify the "deep pockets" that are potentially liable in a lawsuit. I think it's a safe bet that the Apple Store/Company and the mall are going to have deeper pocket than the insurance policy of the guy that drove through it.
tacknosaddle t1_ivotclh wrote
Reply to comment by catwith4peglegs in Tommy James & The Shondells - I Think We're Alone Now (1967) by Mariellie
They had a 25th anniversary screening of it at a movie theater in Harvard Square a few years back that Bobcat and some others involved were there to talk and do a bit of a Q&A. I have a picture with him and his autograph on my copy of the DVD.
One of my favorite bits of information was that the hickey added just above the bust of Florence Henderson was her idea, Bobcat said his reaction was, "Fuck it. It's your Wesson contract."
tacknosaddle t1_ivoo43y wrote
Reply to comment by catwith4peglegs in Tommy James & The Shondells - I Think We're Alone Now (1967) by Mariellie
No spoilers, but you might want to watch the movie Shakes the Clown as that same question comes up.
tacknosaddle t1_iuixs8k wrote
Reply to comment by theRealMrBrownstone in TIL Peter Weller, who played RoboCop, went on to get his Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance Art History and wrote his dissertation about Renaissance artist/philosopher Leon Battista Alberti by kamyizme
My sense of humor is fine...when there's something funny in scope.
tacknosaddle t1_iuikzoj wrote
Reply to comment by theRealMrBrownstone in TIL Peter Weller, who played RoboCop, went on to get his Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance Art History and wrote his dissertation about Renaissance artist/philosopher Leon Battista Alberti by kamyizme
Probably, but he found out about Naked Lunch while filming Robocop 2 and reached out so it would've been well before that script presumably.
tacknosaddle t1_iuijfio wrote
Reply to comment by YounomsayinMawfk in TIL Peter Weller, who played RoboCop, went on to get his Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance Art History and wrote his dissertation about Renaissance artist/philosopher Leon Battista Alberti by kamyizme
Good way to deal with it.
tacknosaddle t1_iuij7vf wrote
Reply to comment by metabeliever in TIL Peter Weller, who played RoboCop, went on to get his Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance Art History and wrote his dissertation about Renaissance artist/philosopher Leon Battista Alberti by kamyizme
I said it in another comment but he turned down Robocop 3 so that he could be in Naked Lunch as he's a huge Burroughs fan.
tacknosaddle t1_iuiinkw wrote
Reply to comment by theRealMrBrownstone in TIL Peter Weller, who played RoboCop, went on to get his Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance Art History and wrote his dissertation about Renaissance artist/philosopher Leon Battista Alberti by kamyizme
He turned down Robocop 3 because he wanted to be in Naked Lunch as he was a big fan of Burroughs (he has a signed first edition of it and says the book had a huge impact on him in the 1960s). When he heard about the project he reached out to them offering his services because he wanted to be in it so badly.
tacknosaddle t1_iuifswu wrote
Reply to comment by SPFMninebillion in The home contractor did not even start the work and now refusing to refund my money by akola
I wish more people knew this.
tacknosaddle t1_iuhxzlb wrote
Reply to comment by Intrexa in They caught the Brighton Peeping Tom by capnlumps
Perpetually pun
tacknosaddle t1_j28z781 wrote
Reply to comment by Wtf_is_this1234 in Kitchen appreciation fee by Hype_x
Businesses get popped all the time for contracts that have fees or other onerous requirements buried in the "fine print" of a contract. So even though it's "disclosed" it's still prohibited to hide it like that as a deceptive practice. If the kitchen fee is a small footnote on the menu it could be considered deceptive in the same way because an "ordinary consumer" would consider the listed menu price to be the pre-tax total.