taez555 t1_jearm0f wrote
I'm just glad they didn't go with changing the yearly inspection to twice a year yet.
taez555 t1_je0m4la wrote
Reply to PSA: Starbucks on Shelburne Rd in South Burlington is only unionized Starbucks in VT by willynillyslide
That's good to know. :-)
Fun fact. One in Six Starbucks in the State of Vermont is now Unionized.
taez555 t1_jd9d0u9 wrote
Reply to comment by cedit_crazy in Be careful maple sugarers! by StankyBo
A couple years ago the kids wanted to try Sugaring, so we got a 50 gallon blue bucket and all the gear and proceeded to tap our maple trees and fill the barrel with sap over the course of a few days, but... the kids got bored so we left it sitting on our porch.
So of course a squirrel ended up drowning in the barrel, but no one wanted to get it out. Not to mention the barrel was full so at several hundred pounds was nearly impossible to move by hand.
We ended up just leaving it there for like 3 years till the squirrel finally disintegrated and then awkwardly pushed the barrel over to the woods to dump it out.
It was pretty gross.
Worse was when the dogs found the bones of the squirel and paraded it around the yard.
True VT story. :-)
taez555 t1_jcz8cky wrote
Reply to comment by meinblown in Can Anyone Identify This Mountain? by Footie57
taez555 t1_jcyzu50 wrote
Reply to comment by Staystoked21 in Can Anyone Identify This Mountain? by Footie57
Jay Peak's trails spell the word "TRY".
taez555 OP t1_jcgc92t wrote
Reply to comment by QualityRescue in You know you live in Vermont when the boss rides his snowmobile to work. by taez555
Ah man, I was really hoping this was purely a Vermont thing. :-(
Just like good beer, cheese, maple syrup, fentanyl and everyone owning Subaru's. :-)
Nah, seriously, of course not. I just thought it was a cute title when I drunk posted it.
Although I will say it's not a super common sight in downtown Morrisville on a weekday. Saturday at the Cow Palace in Derby is a different story. :-)
taez555 OP t1_jcfumwf wrote
Reply to comment by twdvermont in You know you live in Vermont when the boss rides his snowmobile to work. by taez555
It really becomes ingrained in you when you see it 10 months a year.
taez555 t1_jc7eox0 wrote
Reply to Vermont Lawmakers File Bills To Legalize Psychedelics And Decriminalize All Drugs by OregonTripleBeam
This is a welcome bill.
Hopefully though they won't mess it up like the cannabis thing. Prices are still double the MA prices for some things.
taez555 t1_ja8qu8w wrote
Reply to Republicans in Vermont? by rolloofnormandy50
Republicans in VT are old school? Have you been to the NEK? It's Trump land over here. Not a day goes by that I don't hear someone complain how.... "nobody wants to work any more" or some other Fox News talking point.
taez555 t1_j9lua3r wrote
Reply to Looks like Stowe is now in the Rocky Mountains! Spotted this flyover clip in the show Resident Alien (S2E5 @ 13:30) by WannabeWonk
Not shown is the car at the intersection, trying to find the Von Trappe Lodge, holding up traffic unsure if they have the right of way.
taez555 t1_j333nrh wrote
Reply to comment by Cease_Cows_ in Location of future dispensary in Barre, VT. Excited to see new businesses opening up in the the area. by aschylus
Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I’m all for more locations and competition, but over saturation combined with insanely high prices (caused both by limited access and excessive taxation) could spell trouble for these businesses. I don’t want to see them fail, but right now it’s still cheaper to drive to MA and stock up than pay these prices that are nearly double.
taez555 t1_j24t65b wrote
Reply to What AI thinks Vermont looks like by PorkFriedBryce
Needs at least one singlewide with a bunch of half working vehicles and broken farm equipment in the front yard.
taez555 t1_j10mqfg wrote
Reply to comment by endeavour3d in Cell Coverage in VT - Now I know... to switch provider by ExpressionFamiliar98
Can confirm. Exact same experience with coverage. Sprint user since the early 2000's here. When they made the switch over to T-Mobile a year or so ago, my coverage went from nothing to actually pretty darn good.
taez555 t1_j0yx4ur wrote
Reply to comment by disneylegend in Girl undergoes life-changing surgery that allows her to smile by Worldly_Pirate_9817
I'll upvote you for this.
This is an inspiring story that highlights how wonderful modern science is. This is a real affliction people face and is no laughing matter. Life changing is understatement. I'm happy for this women and am sure it's just the start of making others people's lives better.
That being said..... if you can't find some humor in the idea of it, you're a freakin' stick in the mud. It reads like an Onion headline, that just opens itself up to countless punchlines.
When did we as a society decide we can't both celebrate something and find humor in it as well?
taez555 t1_j080q1f wrote
Reply to comment by canada432 in Iran execution: Man publicly hanged from crane amid protests by eskimo_e63
On the plus side, they vote. :-)
taez555 t1_j07wop1 wrote
Reply to comment by canada432 in Iran execution: Man publicly hanged from crane amid protests by eskimo_e63
I get your point, but aren't like 99.9% of the population serfs with iphones though?
It's not like any of us actually own the land we're living on. Sure you can buy property, but it's really only yours until someone in charge says it's not. We're all pretty much beholden to some master.
Really the main difference is that some of us are aware we're slaves and some of us don't (who apparently would vote to keep it legal).
taez555 t1_j06u3pa wrote
Reply to comment by SsurebreC in Iran execution: Man publicly hanged from crane amid protests by eskimo_e63
Let's be honest though. If you took a poll, you'd probably get at least 40% of American's who'd be ok with public execution and displays like this.
taez555 t1_j000s8b wrote
Reply to A very Bernie Christmas by Otter-ific
Where do you buy this? Take my money now!!!!! I have children I’d sell!!!!!!!!! First born, half price!!!!
taez555 t1_ix8vhxn wrote
Reply to Texas woman arrested after smuggling endangered spider monkey in box she claimed held beer by AudibleNod
Chip, I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew!
taez555 t1_iwvy23k wrote
When the apocalypse hits, the grocery stores in Vermont are going to be picked clean..... except for the fake maple syrup. It's just going to be a whole corner aisle at Shaws full of Mrs Butterworth and storebrand pancake syrup.
taez555 t1_iw8klje wrote
Reply to so, i haven't been to a brewery/cidery/distillery in a really long time. I've got out of state guests really excited to go to one (or three) today. we're gonna start at barr hill and head toward the airport, but can extend into Burlington. thanks for suggestions! by brainzilla420
Four Quarters has great beer and food and parking and pin ball.
taez555 t1_ivpul5v wrote
Reply to Dog seen carrying severed human arm leads police to decapitated body | US News by __masterbaiter__
Bet that dog was annoyed they had to give the arm back.
taez555 t1_iv1wi7h wrote
Reply to comment by Real-Pierre-Delecto2 in Deploy mallards. As seen on the rail trail. by applesweaters
Glad I could bring a giggle to your day. :-) Much appreciated.
taez555 t1_iv1m7fb wrote
Seems kinda dumb to me. It's not a smart move to deploy mallards during duck hunting season if you intend for them not to be shot.
taez555 t1_jeaxu3b wrote
Reply to comment by Real-Pierre-Delecto2 in Vermont House considers increasing DMV fees by FearandLoathinginBTV