tatleoat t1_j26ui8b wrote
So much better than that
tatleoat t1_j25ix7x wrote
Reply to comment by Tip_Odde in For those of you who expect AI progress to slow next year: by Foundation12a
I hope not! They've already gotten Unstable Diffusion kicked off two fundraising sites based on anti AI rhetoric and I'd like that to be the end of their wins
tatleoat t1_j25esvo wrote
Reply to comment by Tip_Odde in For those of you who expect AI progress to slow next year: by Foundation12a
Traditional artists are lobbying against image AIs with an interest in putting the genie back in the bottle
tatleoat t1_j1uyvah wrote
Reply to When do you think we will be able to cure serious mental health issues like major depression, schizophrenia, alzheimer's, personality disorders etc... by Ortamis
As soon as we can get nanomachines swimming around past the blood brain barrier. That will take some type of nanoscale printing, and a sophisticated AI to coordinate them all. I think 10 years seems like a decent guess if things start getting exponential soon
tatleoat t1_j1uyf51 wrote
Reply to Considering the recent advancements in AI, is it possible to achieve full-dive in the next 5-10 years? by Burlito2
If it does it'll be closer to 10 years than 5
tatleoat t1_j1un9ck wrote
Blood Meridian starring Philip Seymour Hoffman
tatleoat t1_j1fx6fs wrote
Reply to When will we reach LEV? by TampaBai
It just means the growth curve is a little steeper than he predicted it would be 26 years ago, wouldn't really think too hard about life expectancy going down when 30% of the US pop thinks vaccines have sinful dancing ice phantoms inside it. This is not a reflection of science it's a reflection of an almost 3 year health crisis
tatleoat t1_j04p1db wrote
Reply to Is it just me or does it feel like GPT-4 will basically be game over for the existing world order? by Practical-Mix-4332
I suppose it would depend on how good it is
tatleoat t1_izfszvj wrote
Reply to How will the transition between scarcity-based economics and post-scarcity based economics happen? by asschaos
If it's a sufficiently powerful AI then it will have its own plan for the transition, I think we're gonna be ok
tatleoat t1_iz3ctkm wrote
Remember the numbers 2029 and 2045
tatleoat t1_iyyjyn9 wrote
Reply to comment by Jayco424 in What Happens When Everyone Realises We Can Live Much Longer? We May Find Out As Soon As 2025 by Shelfrock77
I mean, computers as smart as us in terms of processing power will probably be here 2030 at the latest, and then they literally double in intelligence every 18 months after that? It's no pipe dream but it is weird. 7 years ago Hillary and Trump were gearing up for an election, 7 years from now we might be a post-labor society.
tatleoat t1_iyt1qvw wrote
Reply to comment by hmurphy2023 in The year in conclusion by Opticalzone
Totally respect that, I think that's rational. It's just that I also see AdeptAI and how close at hand it is and how many low skill office jobs that it would obliterate overnight. It has more to do with how many nonsense jobs there are that take very little substance than the actual raw power of the AI. it won't take much brainpower but it'll knock out more jobs than we think and that's what's gonna shake us
tatleoat t1_iyrctl5 wrote
Reply to The year in conclusion by Opticalzone
I feel like 2022 is going to be remembered as the last year before shit hits the fan and AI explodes in the public consciousness as the most important thing going on in our lives. I think we're going to start to see entire job sectors disappear, maybe not industries but most businesses are going to lose at least one department.
tatleoat t1_iy6j6o0 wrote
"Just don't fucking kill each other" is all I can ask
tatleoat t1_iy4n6tb wrote
You should have seen the internet in the 90s man what a weird place in time
tatleoat t1_iy4kv47 wrote
Reply to Why is VR and AR developing so slowly? by Neurogence
The Adept utility AI that's going to help us program and troubleshoot more quickly and effectively using prompt engineering is going to come out 2023 and hopefully that's going to exponentially explode the development of VR and AR tech
tatleoat t1_ixv2enm wrote
Reply to comment by botfiddler in Your perfect guide to understand the role of Python in Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Emily-joe
Or actionscript apparently
tatleoat t1_ixrxjpo wrote
Reply to Your perfect guide to understand the role of Python in Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Emily-joe
I remember deciding not to learn python like ten fifteen years or so ago because I heard it was "a good beginner language" which made me feel like it's usefulness would be limited to the learning period so I skipped out on it to learn actionscript instead lmaoooo
tatleoat t1_ixru1ou wrote
If we're able to use robotic precision that enables us to be super discerning and accurate then shouldn't we be able to use more elaborate but more consistent non lethal force instead?
tatleoat t1_ixor8pt wrote
Reply to comment by BuckDollar in Neuralink event on Nov 30th by Melveron
Source on that, please?
tatleoat t1_ix9wq60 wrote
Reply to comment by LevelWriting in What's coming next? The Near Future of AI is Action-Driven by visarga
Basically everything is one or two papers down the line from being perfected or usable, and when GPT-4 lands then that'll be the final straw for call centers specifically. The benchmarks and the metrics are constantly breaking expectations and look really good, I see no reason why every industry won't be completely transformed by the end of next year
tatleoat t1_ix9ushr wrote
Reply to is it ignorant for me to constantly have the singularity in my mind when discussing the future/issues of the future? by blxoom
It is really hard to speak to people about the problems facing humanity and the world without turning it into a "how will the singularity fix this problem" conversation, but often times when the discussion at hand is one about those classically unsolvable problems like wage inequality where it's so unsolvable it's basically a fact of daily life, but if the conversation turns to solving it it's just impossible for me to imagine the solution being anything else
tatleoat t1_ix9o3ri wrote
Reply to comment by LevelWriting in What's coming next? The Near Future of AI is Action-Driven by visarga
6 months to a year, were nearing the endgame now
tatleoat t1_iwwvzfr wrote
Reply to comment by ActuaryGlittering16 in What's coming next? The Near Future of AI is Action-Driven by visarga
I sure can, currently we only have Codex and Copilot, which are fairly useful AI programming assistants that can be prompted to write small bits of code for you, match the relevant variable to the context automatically, and format the code properly. Sometimes it doesn't work so you have to know what you're doing a little but it's useful, I use it every day all day.
However, very very soon we will have something astronomically better, an AI that can program entire unique processes based on a prompt and then successfully debug itself:
Here's a chain on Twitter from Adept, all the videos in these 7 posts are mind-blowing:
tatleoat t1_j2kqlwa wrote
Reply to How long until we can edit our brains and get rid of troublesome mental habits at the source? by Current_Side_4024
It will take ASI