techsavior t1_jee9r70 wrote
Reply to It's been years.... by kamikazekenny420
I never understood the appeal of customized license plates. I’m already paying the state to have my car registered (and paying the state to replace my plates because of a mandatory design change, after paying for replacement plates due to an undeclared defect that made the laminate peel). Why would I pay out the ass on top of that for a custom plate that does nothing for the usability of my car?
techsavior t1_jdva92c wrote
Reply to comment by RedditSkippy in What’s Up With The FU Portsmouth Guy? by RedditSkippy
“Owning the libs” is priceless… I guess.
techsavior t1_jcds9d4 wrote
Reply to comment by huh_phd in Another Natural Gas Price Hike Despite Falling Gas Prices by DotDotCode
RI Energy doesn’t even see the check. It’s sent to a processing company that opens the envelopes and writes the deposit for them. You’re just pissing off some random person that has no business taking the piss.
techsavior t1_jbuu6is wrote
Does this mean that the state might need to find a new crooked no-bid contractor to half-ass our roads and bridges?
techsavior t1_javqcp0 wrote
Reply to comment by MT_Photos in How to turn in a multi-lane intersection by gartlandish
It’s not that they can’t comprehend this. It’s that they have can’t plan for shit and start in the wrong turn lane to begin with.
techsavior t1_ja5nxxc wrote
Reply to comment by Sleuthiestofsleuths in Thoughts? by United_Perception299
🎵Wickford Junction; what’s your function?🎵
techsavior OP t1_j9giwlo wrote
Reply to comment by buddhamanjpb in TPMS sensor and car inspection by techsavior
I was hoping on some first- or second-hand experience in the matter.
I saw that article, and the editing is atrocious at WJAR - it makes the article unreadable at times. I wouldn’t trust anything they write.
techsavior t1_j73n8ew wrote
Is the person living under there the old man from scene 24?
techsavior t1_j73n05r wrote
Reply to comment by TzarKazm in Excessive trash piles up along Pawtucket highway underpasses by Legits
Don’t forget about doing the job half-assed so you can no-bid on repairs a few years later!
techsavior t1_j68x3bk wrote
Reply to comment by liliumsuperstar in Favorite RI bagels? by fill-in-theblank
BrewGrindz in North Prov has much better coffee!
techsavior t1_j68rgp2 wrote
Reply to Favorite RI bagels? by fill-in-theblank
I’m just glad nobody here is recommending Providence Bagel. Their bagels are “meh” at best, and their customer service is absolute shit.
Their owner is focused on opening more locations, and it comes at a cost of product quality and customer experience.
techsavior t1_j5olcss wrote
Reply to comment by Rickshmitt in Does anyone know a place that will replace my windshield for less than 1000 dollars in RI? by Initial-South5908
They’re made in Mexico, so my answer still works. 😎
techsavior t1_j5o8z5o wrote
Reply to comment by Rickshmitt in Does anyone know a place that will replace my windshield for less than 1000 dollars in RI? by Initial-South5908
2017 Taco? Is that a K-Car from Central America?
techsavior t1_j5ma0xv wrote
Reply to comment by juda5 in Vehicle Inspection by [deleted]
CT doesn’t have a safety inspection; only emissions testing.
techsavior t1_j4iaj8g wrote
Reply to comment by big_whistler in Trash along Bald Hill Rd by lordlordie1992
If you’re white or white passing, then probably not.
techsavior t1_j4bfqts wrote
Reply to License plate covers? by Even-Vegetable-1700
Maybe they’re trying to protect that shitty wave plate that keeps delaminating.
techsavior t1_j3lhkvx wrote
techsavior t1_j2ij2dr wrote
Reply to comment by Rhody1964 in Used Car Shenanigans by icedcoffee4eva
OP says he bought the truck and paid for the service 45 days ago.
techsavior t1_j2fsreo wrote
Reply to comment by DistilledBrookie7 in Xfinity subscribers, what are we paying for? I haven't had cable in 11 years and I don't watch sports. Xfinity gave me the vaguest answer. by DistilledBrookie7
It’s also worth asking if you can get the branded modem/router for free for # years if you sign a price-lock agreement.
techsavior t1_j2fsjkr wrote
Reply to Xfinity subscribers, what are we paying for? I haven't had cable in 11 years and I don't watch sports. Xfinity gave me the vaguest answer. by DistilledBrookie7
It’s Comcraptastic! In most areas (rural, apartment complexes) you don’t have the freedom of choice, and they know it.
We got rid of cable TV years ago. I built our own home network that directly interface’s with Verizon’s ONT or the Cox gateway (we’re not in MA). We password-share with friends and relatives for streaming services. We installed a DTV antenna at the onset for live programming.
techsavior t1_j2fk132 wrote
Reply to Question for a map by [deleted]
“Point of Know Return” was a pretty sick album, NGL.
techsavior t1_j1xir9s wrote
Reply to comment by Uncle_Tony96 in Theory about Almacs/KMart plaza in Coventry by Agreeable_Highway_48
Don’t forget about an urgent care. Those are part of the package.
techsavior t1_j1oqeov wrote
Reply to comment by PigpenMcKernan in What is this on top of a power pole? by puck2
It could be either an LTE or a 5G cell. They can use the same casing.
techsavior t1_j1olrgt wrote
Reply to comment by PigpenMcKernan in What is this on top of a power pole? by puck2
Mainstream “5G” in most places is just rebranded LTE. True 5G is ultra-wide band.
techsavior t1_jeefaxu wrote
Reply to Providence by sneakyben
This picture captures how this city (and state) are in a constant state of construction.