techsavior t1_j1mgwjf wrote
Reply to What is this on top of a power pole? by puck2
That is a 5G antenna on the utility pole. This is more and more common as wireless carriers extend their 5G coverage.
techsavior t1_j1hi0dm wrote
techsavior t1_j16cxe7 wrote
Del’s Soft Frozen Lemonade mix; it makes an amazing margarita mix!
techsavior t1_j16cq4h wrote
Reply to comment by techlessWire in Rhode Island-themed seasoning for Christmas present by silverhammer96
You can order it online here. You can also find it at Stock on Hope St in Providence.
techsavior t1_j0x1gqe wrote
Reply to comment by RatFink_0123 in Looking for Christmas kitten.. by RatFink_0123
I’m glad you got a shelter pet. We always have gotten pets from shelters.
Based on your post, I wasn’t sure if you were planning on it as a gift for someone else.
Don’t forget the obligatory kitty pic for tons of karma!
techsavior t1_j0v37qe wrote
Reply to Proposed permanent housing building for those experiencing homelessness raises concerns with some Dorchester residents by ak47workaccnt
NIMBY strikes again!
techsavior t1_j0v2f4s wrote
Reply to Looking for Christmas kitten.. by RatFink_0123
Gifting a pet on a holiday is never a good idea. You have no clue if the recipient is able to support a pet or even wants a pet!
Also, cats need almost as much work as dogs! They need attention, playtime, cleanup, and stimulation!
If you still insist on gifting a pet for Christmas, there are hundreds of cats in shelters across the state right now! Adopt!
techsavior t1_j0m5c1p wrote
Access Dental on Mineral Spring in North Providence
techsavior t1_j0lkwsi wrote
Reply to Medium recommendations in RI?Someone close to me passed and would like to see a credible medium if anyone has any recs. by [deleted]
Are you looking for the “John Edward cold psychology” type?
Or the “telling Pee Wee Herman that his bike is in the basement at the Alamo” type?
techsavior t1_j0l07b2 wrote
Reply to comment by contact6high9 in Here on vacation by LazyBoi0736
I think we finally found something that can replace the “Cooler and Warmer” meme!
techsavior t1_j01jjux wrote
Reply to Chimney Sweep by RhodyViaWIClamDigger
techsavior t1_izv63ol wrote
Ann & Hope plaza on Post Rd in Warwick, near the airport (the one that has Rocky Point Clam Shack in it).
techsavior t1_iz4vwub wrote
techsavior t1_iyt3hjo wrote
Reply to Anybody have recommendations for a day spa? I want to get a gift cert for my GF for Christmas by Scapuless
Harmony on Hope Massage
techsavior t1_iye847u wrote
<Jerimoth Hill has entered the chat.>
techsavior t1_iyco3l1 wrote
Reply to New RI shark license plate is in the works for charity and you can vote on the design by MavDrake
I don’t mind it, but the text needs to be white or light gray.
techsavior t1_iybl0yh wrote
Reply to Came across this today. by Kumalover420
Press F to pay respect.
techsavior t1_ix6fi62 wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Lowest Number License Plate by SweatyCockroach8212
They do re-use numbers between classes. I was stopped in my work van and accused of a hit-and-run in NH because of a matching number on a passenger plate (mine is commercial).
techsavior t1_ix66390 wrote
Reply to Cheap gas station coffee by TotalDebate6050
Most retail stores have a “loss leader” that is designed to take a loss in order to entice customers in and buy other products.
That being said, coffee has a low pour cost, and they still might generate a small profit.
techsavior t1_iwu8t28 wrote
Reply to Restaurants with limited seafood by Holofro
Most good restaurants have a plan for severe food allergies. You just need to declare them before you order. If the place truly gives a shit, they will go out of their way to limit cross-contamination.
techsavior t1_ivxq79h wrote
Reply to Does anyone know what’s going on with the bridge on reservoir ave in providence near the Popeyes ? by yeehawkalian
Any time a span over a railroad bed is worked on, a rail worker has to be on site as a safety supervisor to ensure the integrity of the rail corridor.
Amtrak has been unable at times to schedule a worker to supervise, and that is causing delays. It’s not the state’s fault this time.
techsavior t1_ivxq0x1 wrote
Reply to comment by yeehawkalian in Does anyone know what’s going on with the bridge on reservoir ave in providence near the Popeyes ? by yeehawkalian
You can blame Amtrak for not always being able to provide rail worker supervision for the project. That’s what is causing the delays.
techsavior t1_iva19g2 wrote
Reply to comment by thatgotmegood in Anyone else getting loads of voting texts? I don’t know how they got my number. by thatgotmegood
Lots of people have a cell phone as their main line and have no home phone (myself included).
Also, selling contact info is very common among businesses.
techsavior t1_iv573ne wrote
Reply to Governor debate… A question by Subject_Ad_2919
Kalus has zero political history, her hero is Ron DeSantis, and has zero interest in the state of the state (outside her or her business partners’ potential financial gains).
techsavior t1_j1np7xc wrote
Reply to comment by bzarins in What is this on top of a power pole? by puck2