techsavior t1_iso645u wrote
Reply to Fossil hunting in RI by Smelly_bumbear
How about in that pineapple/pine cone thing on Federal Hill? Someone has to be buried in there!
techsavior t1_iskddo6 wrote
I haven’t used VZ or Cox for TV in years. I bought a roof-mount DTV antenna and use them for internet only. Haven’t looked back.
As for premium streaming, password-sharing (for the services that allow it) go a long way.
techsavior t1_isf6abs wrote
Reply to Johnson & Johnson vaccine by Nevvermind183
Unless you’ve had a reaction to an mRNA vaccine in the past, the CDC is limiting the use of the Janssen (J&J) vaccine.
techsavior t1_is3nxh7 wrote
Reply to comment by radioflea in The thing about elections is… by radioflea
99.9% or people got an application to request a mail ballot.
Source: I’m part of that 99.9%.
techsavior t1_is3330t wrote
Reply to comment by Separate_Tangelo7138 in Question about getting RI license after moving here by [deleted]
The states don’t communicate as it is! Why would their DMV’s or RMV’s be different?
techsavior t1_is1jhl3 wrote
Reply to comment by buddhamanjpb in Thoughts on last night’s debate? by jdmess401
Kalus is running here because she wants to hold mid-high level office anywhere.
She moved in after her announcement.
techsavior t1_irh9cow wrote
Reply to comment by Accurate-Historian-7 in We did it again Rhode Island! Another top 10 to be proud of! by Chris_Mannix
Doesn’t that mean it’s the least popular?
techsavior t1_ire553q wrote
Reply to Since MA is gonna redesign its state flag, here is a simulation of my proposal for the new one waving in the wind by Rannrann123
How about the state flag for every state is just the state’s silhouette on a white background?
techsavior t1_irc4xar wrote
Reply to comment by The_Dream_of_Shadows in Does anyone else think the Allan Fung ads are terrible? by therealDrA
How about Ashley Transplant’s “McKee/Biden agenda” ad that talks about 47 problems at the same time, but has no flow and offers no solutions?
techsavior t1_iqyzkb5 wrote
Reply to comment by luvly_k in Does anyone use FindMassMoney and actually get money back? by LeslieMarston
That $7 still cost nothing to obtain.
techsavior OP t1_iquemu3 wrote
Reply to comment by trailing-edge in Last-minute drive up NH12 and a quick stop to get this pic across from Mt Washington by techsavior
Route 16, heading towards Gorham.
Submitted by techsavior t3_xu53j1 in newhampshire
techsavior t1_iqtniq3 wrote
Reply to Stolen Car by Cmanera
I shouldn’t have to ask, but we’re the police contacted before Reddit?
techsavior t1_iqomjhy wrote
Reply to comment by Moelarrycheeze in doctor recommendation by vodkanipples
He’s just lacking in smarts. He’s like Dr. House, except he’s not smart and just a shithead.
techsavior t1_iqomatn wrote
Reply to comment by Moelarrycheeze in doctor recommendation by vodkanipples
Which speaks to “Dr” Farina’s character very well.
techsavior t1_iqolyr4 wrote
Reply to comment by Moelarrycheeze in doctor recommendation by vodkanipples
Yes - and that was awesome BTW - but he’s still a minging knob that’s as thick as 2 short planks.
techsavior t1_iqo7uhf wrote
Reply to comment by vodkanipples in doctor recommendation by vodkanipples
If you’re coming in off the street, they’re gonna want to run some tests. I’ve had the asshole doctor and practice experience (North Prov Primary Care), but you also get out what you put into it. If you walk in with a full head of steam and demand something, they’re not gonna listen to you.
techsavior t1_iqo6zrd wrote
Reply to comment by vodkanipples in doctor recommendation by vodkanipples
If you’re coming in off the street, they’re gonna want to run some tests. I’ve had the asshole doctor and practice experience (North Prov Primary Care), but you also get out what you put into it. If you walk in with a full head of steam and demand something, they’re not gonna listen to you.
techsavior t1_iqo6i1h wrote
Reply to doctor recommendation by vodkanipples
Coastal Medical in East Greenwich.
I’ve dealt with several of the docs and specialists and I’ve had a positive experience so far.
techsavior t1_iso66ob wrote
Reply to comment by SweatyCockroach8212 in Fossil hunting in RI by Smelly_bumbear
I want to add North Prov town hall to your list.