techsavior t1_iv2yn7h wrote
Reply to what is the meaning of this logo? by flowersiguess
I understand their confusion. We are conditioned to expect the Carpionato logo on strip malls and shopping plazas here in Rhode Island.
techsavior t1_iv26vni wrote
Reply to Ashley Kalus and the camels by preferanonymity0
Revisionist history is another service the GOP offers.
techsavior t1_iuz4ez7 wrote
Kalus went to the Lyle Lanley School of Political Salesmanship.
techsavior t1_iuz0ora wrote
When was the last time she had to worry about paying bills?
techsavior t1_iuyzbi7 wrote
McKee is not good at public speaking, and Ashley Transplant is a master at tap dancing around a question. She’s a female Trump that is gonna bleed this state dry by the time she’s done.
techsavior t1_iupp53m wrote
Reply to comment by digitalbulet in Car insurance by natb15
This is years’ old advice, and all has been corrected since then.
techsavior t1_iupm7yg wrote
Reply to Car insurance by natb15
While you don’t immediately need to inform the DMV about new insurance, you do need to cancel the old policy yourself. We were led to believe that the new insurer would notify the old insurer about cancellation. Lesson learned: Don’t trust anybody.
techsavior t1_iup9n3n wrote
Reply to Rhode Island leads all states in the most significant change in internet speeds since 2020 by FotoGrapher19
Lots of complexes and developments have a contract to 1 supplier, and it’s usually Cox.
techsavior t1_iuhgxgr wrote
Reply to Where to bring leaf bags? (Ashaway) by darthduder666
Not local to that part of RI. Are there any farms or landscaping companies that would take them for mulching?
techsavior t1_iuesqof wrote
techsavior t1_iud6m5b wrote
Reply to comment by Master-Ota in Massachusetts bans clothing, footwear, bedding, curtains and other textiles from trash disposal by cowghost
Welcome to politics in general, it’s not just a Massachusetts thing.
techsavior t1_iu5hd2p wrote
Bank of ‘Murica does it too. They won’t even accept a cash deposit into any account unless the depositor is also a customer.
We used to pay our rent by withdrawing it from our CU and depositing it into the landlord’s BofA rent account. When that started, I figured out how to use our CU’s people pay feature and told BofA what they can do with their “rules.”
techsavior t1_iu1snuj wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Made this to send to people who ask me about Rhode Island by leilagotspazz
Isn’t “getting pissed at (x)” the official state pastime?
Edit: remove “rotaries” and replace with “(x).” It seems more appropriate for this state.
techsavior t1_iu1kshf wrote
Reply to A Top Newport Restaurant Group Repeatedly Delays Response to Fed. Lawsuit Alleging Wage Violations by MavDrake
GoLocal is nothing but a shit-stirring tabloid and is as legitimate as Fox “News.”
techsavior t1_itzoap6 wrote
Reply to comment by wenestvedt in Thinking of canceling Verizon cable… any freestanding options for watching the Celtics? by It_coulda_been_me
I’m in North Providence and I can pick up the normal RI stations. Check out r/cordcutters. They were a great resource for me when I prepared to ditch cable.
techsavior t1_itw2uwu wrote
Reply to interesting to say the least by stalequeef69
How much are they being paid?
techsavior t1_itspp1j wrote
Reply to Thinking of canceling Verizon cable… any freestanding options for watching the Celtics? by It_coulda_been_me
If the games are on a broadcast station, get a DTV antenna and ditch cable altogether (that’s what we did). We pay just for internet, swap app logins for services that allow it between family and friends, and we haven’t looked back.
techsavior t1_itr4jno wrote
Reply to comment by ShrimpWiggle in Thoughts? by FopFiller1312
It’s pronounced “khed.”
techsavior t1_ithe322 wrote
First, there is less profit motive for contractors in building affordable state sponsored housing.
Second, nobody wants it in their backyard. NIMBY is very strong in this state.
techsavior t1_ithdsap wrote
Reply to comment by Quick_Fennel_3244 in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
Can you give me one example where McKee and Biden worked together to make this slander work?
I’ll wait.
techsavior t1_ith97te wrote
Reply to comment by zebrawithflowers in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
I firmly believe that she couldn’t give less of a shit about Rhode Island. She saw that Trump was able to pull off the nation’s largest grift, and she think she can do the same here.
techsavior t1_ith0ihg wrote
Ashley Transplant is in “elected office anywhere” mode. Her strategy is to sling ad much mud as possible, but not dig out any solutions to the dozens of “problems” she lays out in 30 seconds against the “McKee-Biden agenda (lol)” in the process.
Make as much noise as possible, and hopefully get elected, with the least amount of critical thinking on her part.
techsavior t1_ite1puk wrote
Reply to State Senator stealing my land by Silly_Yak_3741
If you haven’t already, lawyer up! and make sure you disclose this post to them; they may have you delete it.
Do not go to the news with this. You don’t want to add a defamation of character or libel lawsuit on top of what you are dealing with.
techsavior t1_italvdb wrote
Reply to Remember people, use the 3 Second Rule. Too many people in this state still use the 2 Car Length rule for some weird reason. by Styx_Renegade
You have one logical fallacy in your argument…
You assume that RI drivers actually give a shit about other people.
techsavior t1_iv573ne wrote
Reply to Governor debate… A question by Subject_Ad_2919
Kalus has zero political history, her hero is Ron DeSantis, and has zero interest in the state of the state (outside her or her business partners’ potential financial gains).