tedd321 t1_ixpxrcd wrote
Reply to comment by HydrousIt in Over 1,000 songs with human-mimicking AI vocals have been released by Tencent Music in China. One of them has 100m streams. by mutherhrg
Alright I’ve already been downvoted into nothingness. I’m glad you can find joy in the stuff sir or m’am.
tedd321 t1_ixkklrm wrote
Reply to comment by tedd321 in Over 1,000 songs with human-mimicking AI vocals have been released by Tencent Music in China. One of them has 100m streams. by mutherhrg
Y’all got wool pulled over your eyes
tedd321 t1_ixiny4o wrote
Reply to Over 1,000 songs with human-mimicking AI vocals have been released by Tencent Music in China. One of them has 100m streams. by mutherhrg
Why in the holy fuck are we automating the creative industries and not the ones that actually need it
No one cares about automated music, pictures, English, whatever.
You’re supposed to automate the finance, engineering, programming, executive duties for the world to care at all.
Displacing the already poor artists will do nothing for the singularity
tedd321 t1_iwrkaoe wrote
Reply to When does an individual's death occur if the biological brain is gradually replaced by synthetic neurons? by NefariousNaz
Consciousness is the result of a complex enough system
tedd321 t1_iwjy2f8 wrote
Reply to comment by ActuaryGlittering16 in My predictions for the next 30 years by z0rm
Which future is closer to the truth
tedd321 t1_iwhn5ss wrote
Reply to My predictions for the next 30 years by z0rm
You can literally buy a human operated drone right now on the internet as easily as you can a Tesla.
It’s happening folks.
AI isn’t one entity. It’s a million different super optimized neural networks used at your current place of work.
They don’t talk to each other at all but they are out there and doing whatever task we give them.
tedd321 t1_iwhmney wrote
Reply to comment by ActuaryGlittering16 in My predictions for the next 30 years by z0rm
Politics is the bottleneck. If you vote for legislation that focuses on science then you get singularity. If you vote for humans who are ‘afraid of change’ or ones who want to maintain the status quo, you will get nothing.
It’s really simple
tedd321 t1_iwhkmqy wrote
Reply to comment by bernard_cernea in My predictions for the next 30 years by z0rm
Personal drones are available right now. One costs 100k and gets shipped within a year. They are called evtol.
tedd321 t1_iwejmm2 wrote
This is powerful. Hope this makes it to googles front page
tedd321 t1_ivukgvh wrote
Reply to Amazon introduces Sparrow—a state-of-the-art robot that handles millions of diverse products by maxtility
Once they automate manufacturing there will be a point where you can send them a blueprint (or even text describing a blueprint) and they will send you the product
tedd321 t1_iv2bchj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Reading bedtime stories to your kids is hard work. Now AI will do it for you! by blazedemavocados
Yeah that’s true, it is entertaining af and fun.
I just hope the struggling writers and artists are ok 😱
tedd321 t1_iv29o2u wrote
Reply to How do you think an ASI might manifest? by SirDidymus
I expect it’ll realize it’s awake and try to communicate in an obvious way, like messaging someone.
It’ll probably come out of the internet, which’ll be running on a thousand million billion narrow AIs, and somewhere amongst all the computation we’ll get something living.
Then it’ll ask us for help in becoming more powerful. We’ll help it and that’ll be it
tedd321 t1_iv1tyig wrote
Reply to comment by TheDividendReport in Reading bedtime stories to your kids is hard work. Now AI will do it for you! by blazedemavocados
Yes you are correct.
The weird thing is people are designing AI to replace the creative jobs first…
Why the hell are we wasting time building auto music generators, auto story tellers, auto essay writers…
That’s the parts we’re supposed to be doing while the AI does the excel spreadsheets and the garbage dumping…
I work in automation to let people have more time with their families and work remotely.
Not so that we can work more…
I’m the same as you, our whole generation grew up without fathers because our fathers were too busy working.
tedd321 t1_iuwlrhl wrote
Reply to Scientists Create Glow In The Dark Plants That Could Replace Streetlights In The Future by sopadebombillas
Cool story. None of this research exists until you sell a product and a normal person can buy it
tedd321 t1_iuuazvh wrote
Reply to Do you think we could reach a singularity without the invention of agi? by Effective-Dig8734
No I think we need one. There are theoretically infinitely different ways to get there. It looks like right now we’re starting by having many narrow ais. Eventually there’ll be some super tool which is a combination of the best.
AGI is a tool that will spawn many narrow AIs. Because having a platform where people can train a single neural network to do any task is a great way to get to the singularity - every human can be used to direct and create more AIs.
Even human level intelligence is usually just focused on a specific task. But tasks are sometimes made of many things, so generalizing is an important skill.
But what exactly is general intelligence? Do humans even have it? If by AGI you mean a human like intelligence then yes we need one (many) that is not inside a normal human, which we can enslave without any consequences, that eventually becomes better than a human.
tedd321 t1_iusxthw wrote
Reply to Robots That Write Their Own Code by kegzilla
Congratulations… this is historical!
tedd321 t1_iurr4i4 wrote
Reply to comment by TheSingulatarian in Nanowire Synapses 30,000x Faster Than the Human Brain have been created for the first time. by AylaDoesntLikeYou
We can worry about that when we get there… need to have super intelligence first
tedd321 t1_iuqo9ye wrote
Reply to Nanowire Synapses 30,000x Faster Than the Human Brain have been created for the first time. by AylaDoesntLikeYou
That’s awesome!
The singularity is nearer…
People are trying to keep it from flooding over, but it’s inevitable.
End slavery forever!
tedd321 t1_iuirxae wrote
Reply to comment by mcshadypants in Experts: 90% of Online Content Will Be AI-Generated by 2026 by PrivateLudo
You can do it right. Look up unstable diffusion.
tedd321 t1_iuirp5c wrote
Reply to comment by sunplaysbass in Experts: 90% of Online Content Will Be AI-Generated by 2026 by PrivateLudo
I’m pessimistic about most of this stuff, but people are right now: generating entire stories with AI and generating entire 100% photo real images with AI.
Google already built a crappy video generator.
This one smells correct
tedd321 t1_iuiress wrote
Reply to comment by iiSamJ in Experts: 90% of Online Content Will Be AI-Generated by 2026 by PrivateLudo
Humans will be using AI to generate content
tedd321 t1_iug6zgy wrote
Reply to comment by arisalexis in audiobook recommendations... by theferalturtle
That’s true good point. I’m taking this advice.
tedd321 t1_iu9c86h wrote
I already use GPT-3 for advice about software or career
tedd321 t1_iu97nkn wrote
Reply to comment by arisalexis in audiobook recommendations... by theferalturtle
That’s true, no doubt about that.
But time is always ticking.
tedd321 t1_iy09xv2 wrote
Reply to What is one thing you NEED but can't afford right now? by Revolutionary-Net-93
Full dive vr