tellmeaboutyourcat t1_ja12d4t wrote
Reply to comment by Electrical_Skirt21 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
Thought so.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_ja0uwtp wrote
Reply to comment by Electrical_Skirt21 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
OMG get off it, if you pay your fair share idgaf about you. If you feel attacked when I say that the rich should pay their fair share then maybe you need to talk to your CPA.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_ja0mati wrote
Reply to comment by Electrical_Skirt21 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
The loopholes were put there by corrupt politicians bought and paid for by billionaires, so no, I don't consider them legitimate.
Not once have I advocated for raising taxes. I want rich folks to pay their fair share. Period. Where did I stutter?
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_ja07syu wrote
Reply to comment by Electrical_Skirt21 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
How should I know? I'm not a tax expert. But if you're exploiting tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes then you're doing it wrong.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_ja00b9h wrote
Reply to comment by YarnPerson in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
What the fuck? There is no price of admission to being in a society. The only obligation that I have to anyone is paying taxes. I do the other stuff because that's what I want to do. IDGAF what you do with your spare time or spare money.
All I've said is that homelessness is a social failure that needs to not exist and that rich people need to pay their fair share.
What I'm now wondering is what do you think is the acceptable number of days for a child to be homeless? Because to me it's zero. The first comment I replied to asked irrelevant questions about how many days those kids were homeless, as if that determines how they feel about whether or not it's worth doing something about it.
And if you interpret that as being a jerk, fine. But anyone who's cool with homeless kids is a jerk, so IDGAF.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9zzamk wrote
Reply to comment by Electrical_Skirt21 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
The problem is that taxes are being spent poorly. Again, the solution is twofold - rich people pay their fair share and the government does its job by taking care of the people.
And I don't know how much money you have so I can't say what your fair share is, and that's not my job, either.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9z1dt3 wrote
Reply to comment by Electrical_Skirt21 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
Good for you. I still want millionaires to pay their fair share of taxes and the government to help the underserved communities.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9z0y6h wrote
Reply to comment by YarnPerson in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
Good for you, the person I was responding to didn't ask a question, they showed skepticism for my stance on homelessness.
It's a logical fallacy to point the finger at individuals to solve the homelessness problem. Just like with climate change and a host of other issues, the problem is systemic and needs to be fixed from the top. I do what I can to help my community, but we as a society need to come together to hold the government accountable for doing their job.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9z0b2d wrote
Reply to comment by YarnPerson in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
Seriously, what mountaintop? I'm not asking millionaires to buy houses for poor people, just to pay their fair share in taxes. I want the government to do its job and help people.
I don't think charity "resume" matters, but they asked what I do, as if I don't follow my own values.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9yrg3j wrote
Reply to comment by Electrical_Skirt21 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
I pay my taxes, vote, donate to my local food bank, and donate to my local women's shelter.
What are you doing?
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9ylqp7 wrote
Reply to comment by Electrical_Skirt21 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
No, I will not "come on now." Homelessness is a failure of society that we should all be ashamed of because we are all responsible for each other. The wealthy need to pay their fair share of taxes (which they don't because of endless loopholes) and those taxes need to go to support the least advantaged among us. That's how societies work, that is the purpose of society.
No, it's not the responsibility of any one individual, it's the responsibility of all of us.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9w9uka wrote
Reply to comment by Responsible-Type-392 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
Millionaires should pay their fair share and the government should use that money to support low income families to prevent homelessness.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9w9n50 wrote
Reply to comment by drxdrg08 in Bucks County Has Two Millionaires for Every One Homeless School Child by Open_Veins_8
1 kid being homeless for 1 day is too many. What's your point? Is there some threshold for how many days a kid needs to be homeless before you care?
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9a96lw wrote
Reply to comment by Deerbooty in Sheetz ends ‘smile policy’ that drove employee to quit by TransFattyAcid
Can't it be both?
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9a936i wrote
Reply to comment by AlVic40117560_ in Sheetz ends ‘smile policy’ that drove employee to quit by TransFattyAcid
This is such a bad take. Who is going to ring up your sandwich while the teenagers are in school?
There is no such thing as a "job for teenagers". Work is work and deserves to be compensated fairly, regardless of who is doing it
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j9a8qtz wrote
Reply to comment by PM_SOME_OBESE_CATS in Sheetz ends ‘smile policy’ that drove employee to quit by TransFattyAcid
Jesus Christ, that's insane. Not that either of those SHOULD be expensive, but like... The less invasive procedure takes fewer supplies, less time, less recovery, less risk...
Fuuuuuck the US health care system.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j8u7rzt wrote
Reply to comment by akadmin in Governor Shapiro vows to "not issue any execution warrants during my term as Governor". Also urges Assembly to abolish death penalty. by Canopenerdude
A fetus isn't a life, dumbass.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j8u7ik1 wrote
Reply to comment by FarmersHusband in Governor Shapiro vows to "not issue any execution warrants during my term as Governor". Also urges Assembly to abolish death penalty. by Canopenerdude
GTFOH with all that nuance on the subject of crime.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j53noku wrote
Reply to comment by IrrumaboMalum in In first act as governor, Josh Shapiro opens Pa. jobs to people without college degrees by OhmyMary
Exactly, I agree with everything you said here. I know many community colleges have trades programs built in (I took basic car repair courses at my local CC) as well as a variety of certificates available. There are a ton of ways to continue education beyond high school that doesn't require a private 4 year institution. Making more of those options free will make better jobs accessible to more people and will help a laundry list of economic issues.
Imagine what would happen if homeless vets could take trade courses for free while working the system to get back on their feet. Imagine if a single mom on disability could learn basic coding or get a certification in medical billing (an increasingly remote field).
I'm getting emotional, sorry. But education should be freely available and easily accessible for all. If we could make that investment we would see such an explosion in our economy.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j4zz2vl wrote
Reply to comment by IrrumaboMalum in In first act as governor, Josh Shapiro opens Pa. jobs to people without college degrees by OhmyMary
Thank you for passing this all out. I'd heard the headline argument before and it made sense, but it was useful seeing your explanation.
Govt backed loans were intended to make college accessible for everyone, so I would suggest that while you're right, those loans should go away, there still needs to be an option for those who can't afford private loans of their own. Enter: free community college for everyone. You can get your associates or a trade certification for free and then decide if going for a private loan is worth continuing from there.
My personal philosophy is that higher education is valuable for everyone - not just as a workforce credential, but as an experience and an opportunity to learn more and spend more time figuring out where you want to go with your future. It also provides an opportunity for established folks to go back to school for a career change, so it provides flexibility in the workforce. I'm 15 years out of college and I would love to be able to take classes part time to get new skills to change careers, but I can't afford daycare and mortgage AND tuition. Having free community college options would be priceless for working people to expand their earning potential!
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j4zxumn wrote
Reply to comment by IrrumaboMalum in In first act as governor, Josh Shapiro opens Pa. jobs to people without college degrees by OhmyMary
No, what they need to do is make community colleges free. Then no one will be forced to take loans to get higher education in the first place. That's the next step.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_j27rmek wrote
Reply to comment by queenoftheidiots in Pennsylvania Dairy Farmer Decides to Bottle His Own Milk Rather than Dump It. Sells Out in Hours with Westmoreland residents support by ProfessionalDavidson
Do they have a method for pasteurizing it or is it only available raw?
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_ivthhd0 wrote
Reply to comment by Dry_Presence7112 in I have declared--even though I have no official power--that Friday is Pennsylvania wear Shorts-and-a-hoodie Day. by pgh9fan
Gtfoh with that ableism bullshit.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_ivthejm wrote
Reply to comment by vasquca1 in I have declared--even though I have no official power--that Friday is Pennsylvania wear Shorts-and-a-hoodie Day. by pgh9fan
I always assumed Gisele was one of those short petite ladies, but after seeing John shaking hands with Biden I realize she's normal sized.
tellmeaboutyourcat t1_jdneqkf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Philly mayoral candidates stand in support of drag community by TransFattyAcid
>Right. But when was the last time scientists observed a gay penguin parade?
Gay penguins don't need parades because they weren't systematically oppressed, harassed, and murdered by straight penguins throughout history.
Homophobic oppression is uniquely human, but homosexuality is not.