There are some states that don’t require a license to take X-Rays. Crazy since it is literally dangerous. I’ve lived in California and Alaska as a radiological technologist. California requires licensure, but Alaska does not. Most places that you work in the cities require it, but there are a lot of boondocks in that state and almost impossible to get techs qualified to live there. No place I have ever lived paid for my continuing education for maintaining my license.
tenebrae_i t1_ja0h2aa wrote
Reply to For marginal occupations licensed by U.S. states, the welfare costs of licensing exceeds the benefits, as workers have to expend resources to obtain the license and consumers pay higher prices. [The study looks at professions that require license in some states but not others]. by smurfyjenkins
There are some states that don’t require a license to take X-Rays. Crazy since it is literally dangerous. I’ve lived in California and Alaska as a radiological technologist. California requires licensure, but Alaska does not. Most places that you work in the cities require it, but there are a lot of boondocks in that state and almost impossible to get techs qualified to live there. No place I have ever lived paid for my continuing education for maintaining my license.