testthrowaway54321 OP t1_j2ev6l8 wrote
Reply to comment by likejanegoodall in Here's why people aren't watching Andor: the first 3 episodes are from a much smaller, much more boring show. by testthrowaway54321
Sure, that's going to appeal to some people, clearly. But I'm sure the broader story that starts from episode 4 would have much wider appeal. It just takes so long getting there.
I especially hated the backstory on the Jungle planet. Could have been condensed to a couple scenes and if the rest is relevant, then save it for the future when it becomes relevant. Really kills an already slow show tempo in the first few episodes.
testthrowaway54321 OP t1_j2euv0d wrote
Reply to comment by ZarK-eh in Here's why people aren't watching Andor: the first 3 episodes are from a much smaller, much more boring show. by testthrowaway54321
yeah, that's partly my point. I was a huge star wars nerd in high school. The movies killed that interest for me, with the exception of Rogue One. So I had no reason to believe Andor would be that good.
It basically made up for all the crappy movies so far.
testthrowaway54321 OP t1_j2evbyk wrote
Reply to comment by Governmentwatchlist in Here's why people aren't watching Andor: the first 3 episodes are from a much smaller, much more boring show. by testthrowaway54321
Yeah, that's exactly my point. Episode 1 and 2 are so dull, that I stopped watching. Episode 4 onwards are nothing like it.