
tetoffens t1_itk3m7m wrote

What? He's one of the most respected authors of the last century. You not knowing of him well doesn't mean others don't. I'd wager more people would be able to tell you he is an author than would be able to name any of his works, so essentially the opposite of what you said.


tetoffens t1_itbrw0g wrote

What are you using it on? It's just as good as any on my Roku TV but absolutely horrible when I used to watch it on Playstation. It would do stupid things like give me an error saying they couldn't load the episode while the episode would be playing behind the error message all the way to the end. If you want, subscribe to it through Prime or Apple TV+. You'll be able to watch it through their app.


tetoffens t1_isj0uc2 wrote

Thor 4 made more money than the previous Thor. In fact, the last three Marvel films were all sequels that made more money than the previous one in their series. Marvel just hasn't had a huge Avengers scale film in a few years but everything they make is incredibly popular and no sign of any decline at all. Black Panther 2 is about to make like 2 billion dollars.

People have been claiming superhero films are in decline for near a decade now. They've been wrong every time,