If you're mechanically handy, used snowblowers that need a carburetor clean or a shear pin can be found all over Craigslist in my area. Complete bolt on replacement carbs can be found for $25 on eBay. I paid $100 a few years ago for a 28" Craftsman that's an absolute monster, took about an hour to fix everything wrong with it.
tflynn09 t1_iysateb wrote
Reply to Help me buy my first snow blower! What am I going to regret in 2 months? by icysandstone
If you're mechanically handy, used snowblowers that need a carburetor clean or a shear pin can be found all over Craigslist in my area. Complete bolt on replacement carbs can be found for $25 on eBay. I paid $100 a few years ago for a 28" Craftsman that's an absolute monster, took about an hour to fix everything wrong with it.