
theFrenchDutch t1_j1yoaq0 wrote

I'm into photography but not enough to actually carry a dedicated, bigger and cumbersome camera on me, especially when going hiking. So any advancement on phone camera optical zooms is exciting for me ! Already have a x2 optical zoom lens on my phone and it's not enough, wide angles don't work on landscape photography


theFrenchDutch t1_j1ykjk8 wrote

Not in every situation at all. Landscape photography for example requires much more optical zoom than the wide angles that are on cameras. Buying a phone with x2 optical zoom was already a big boost to my photography during hikes and it still is FAR from enough to take the pictures you'd want to take with a real DLSR, going up to x30 and the like for satisfying pictures.

And this is exactly what they're going hard on, thank fuck. Wide and ultra wide don't need any more progress. I still don't want to go on hikes with a big camera, it's too cumbersome