
theanti_girl t1_iyx3sv5 wrote

Yup. Went yesterday, had ordered through their app — two donuts, two coffees and a breakfast sandwich. I pulled up to the speaker and they couldn’t find the order. Then they found it and handed me one coffee and asked “why are you still waiting.” Three more trips to the window and “what else,” I finally had the whole order.


theanti_girl t1_iy5hihk wrote

I think the concern is… if it’s 50 inside the house, it’s probably NOT 50 outside the house and a lot of pipes are in exterior walls. So if the temp is low inside the house, the actual pipes can drop way below that temp (50 in this case) and get to freezing.

I’m saying this because years ago, I woke up to no heat during a blizzard and frozen pipes and it was a reeeeally shit-tastic few days.


theanti_girl t1_ivi3h36 wrote

You have literally NO idea what I’ve done or not done, who I am, what I’ve gone through. Just like I don’t know you.

I didn’t cry about anything, but that’s cute. I mentioned something on topic about the particular thread we’re in. I know, crazy, right? I think any parent who sends their kids to school sick sucks.


theanti_girl t1_ivhx2tq wrote

She’s a college professor who works two days a week. She can do what she needs to.

School isn’t daycare. If your kid is sick, sure you may not be able to care for them yourself — you have a backup plan. If you don’t, you think your best bet is to send your sick kid to school to infect all the kids and teachers?

Solid parenting.


theanti_girl t1_ivgglqk wrote

Well, obviously. I remember as a kid that “perfect attendance” was touted as an achievement. In some schools, it still is. It’s also complete horseshit.

I’m not saying she doesn’t keep her kids home until there’s not a single sniffle or cough. I’m saying she doesn’t keep them home at all because “it’s not Covid, it’s just a cold.”