themagicbong t1_jcv7s64 wrote
Reply to comment by WerewolfCircus in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
Says the guy doing the pathetic behavior and attempting to psychoanalyze someone online over a single comment/interaction with them. Lmfao.
themagicbong t1_jcv67hl wrote
Reply to comment by No-Wonder1139 in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
People are very angry at the idea someone may not understand a given initialism/acronym for a title, in this thread. I'd be careful voicing that. Lol. I haven't seen the movie itself, mostly just have seen people talking about it very occasionally. Just didnt feature much in the circles I frequent, I guess. So the whole "EEAAO" thing was pretty much brand new for me, today. And my ADD ass brain was thinking of a million other things at the same time, didnt make the connection between Jamie Lee Curtis and the full title "Everything Everywhere All At Once."
themagicbong t1_jcv4gut wrote
Reply to comment by WerewolfCircus in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
You can use sarcasm in a joke without your overall point being sarcastic in nature. I dunno why you're incapable of understanding that, but its true. My comment wasn't sarcastic in nature towards anyone. The joke may have featured sarcasm, but that was not the overall point of the comment. Stop trying to act like you're above me, dude. Its sad. Especially with your bullshit "be better" stuff. That shit is beyond pathetic.
themagicbong t1_jcv14v1 wrote
Reply to comment by WerewolfCircus in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
My first comment is literally a fuckin joke. What are you smoking? You just assumed you know me, who I am, my whole life story and everything based off basically fucking nothing. YOU be better, dude. Stop being so damn judgemental. Its reddit ffs lol. Of course someone is gonna make a joke. Not like it was at ANYONE's expense. Except my own, by showing how I didn't even know what the initials stood for.
themagicbong t1_jcv0uu0 wrote
Reply to comment by DeltaBearlines in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
no, actually, that's just an assumption you made. I didn't say or act like anyone owed anyone anything. I made a joke using just the initialism right there, which I've been referring to as an acronym incorrectly lol, and then they said they couldnt fit the full title. I didnt know what "the full title" meant, in this instance, and I said as much. They told me what it meant, and I said "I gotcha, makes sense." forgot to include "thanks." but other than that, nothing I said was acting like any kinda way.
themagicbong t1_jcuzjs9 wrote
Reply to comment by stonerwithaboner1 in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
I haven't seen that used to describe that, but I definitely get it, now. People get mad touchy over other people asking a lil question these days, don't they?
themagicbong t1_jcuzbht wrote
Reply to comment by Step-Father_of_Lies in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
Lol sure. I wasn't being sarcastic. I made a joke and said i was out of the loop on this one. You couldn't even give me an example of said "sarcasm" Nothing to acknowledge, but yeah good idea on moving on.
themagicbong t1_jcuyh69 wrote
Reply to comment by Step-Father_of_Lies in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
In what way? Was it how I said "makes sense, now." or maybe it was the way in which I admitted I was the one out of the loop. Yeah totally I was being a massive prick for sure. I think its a bit rude to tell someone "Literally everyone knows this" when they're just asking what it is. But even then, not like I said anything rude in response to that.
themagicbong t1_jcuy57u wrote
Reply to comment by Step-Father_of_Lies in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
The movie, maybe. The acronym for it? Nah, doubt it. Not everyone uses "EEAAO" all the time, and I've literally only come across it today. Why's that a big deal? lol. I never told anyone they're doing anything wrong.
themagicbong t1_jcuxw2h wrote
Reply to comment by Downvote_me_dumbass in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
I dunno, was the first time I've seen "EEAAO." Wasn't sure WHAT to do with it, in my head. Lol. But I can make ALL KINDS of noises. Should hear the tunes I can belt out from the shower. I'm sometimes mistaken for a Hyena in heat, but, yknow, to each their own.
themagicbong t1_jcuxei4 wrote
Reply to comment by woutomatic in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
I hear ya. Haven't heard or seen that used in place of the title myself, but I understand, now. Makes sense, though.
themagicbong t1_jcux3kv wrote
Reply to comment by DeltaBearlines in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
Oh yeah, so very well known that I didn't know what the acronym for it was. Clearly that's something that's SUPER well-known. Lol. But word, I hear ya. Makes more sense now.
themagicbong t1_jcuvv72 wrote
Reply to comment by woutomatic in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
The whole title? I genuinely have no clue what that acronym is supposed to be. Wasn't trying to be snarky or something. Just a lil joke cause I'm lost on what it stands for.
themagicbong t1_jcus85q wrote
Ah yes, that super common acronym, EEAAO. Just the other day I was using it. I was singing old macdonald had a farm. Good times.
themagicbong t1_jc3pe20 wrote
Reply to comment by Lost_in_the_sauce504 in TIL After the Aral Sea dried up significantly, Kazakhstan revived the northern part of the lake while the South Aral Sea in Uzbekistan is almost completely desiccated. Kazakhstan’s 12km-long dyke saved part of the northern sea by connecting it with the southern section by Ok_Copy5217
lol I made that comment before going to bed, STILL can't read the article, but that got weirdly negative, votes wise. It was at like +4 before I passed out.
themagicbong t1_jc18txf wrote
Reply to TIL After the Aral Sea dried up significantly, Kazakhstan revived the northern part of the lake while the South Aral Sea in Uzbekistan is almost completely desiccated. Kazakhstan’s 12km-long dyke saved part of the northern sea by connecting it with the southern section by Ok_Copy5217
can't read the article, pops up with a "sign up for a bcc account" that I can't close out of in any way. The X doesnt close it, neither does "remind me later." But the thought of someone building a 12km lesbian in the middle of the aral sea like that other dude in the comments mentioned is making me laugh super hard.
themagicbong t1_jb4inj8 wrote
Reply to comment by Thoraxekicksazz in 2 helicopters collided in air by louiesoapbox
Looking at other tweets, someone linked a news article. The people we are seeing survived. 4 people in the other helicopter that we didn't really see died, everyone on board as far as I can tell. Tragic. I feel for their families. Happened in Australia.
themagicbong t1_ja8s86g wrote
Reply to comment by ZerglingBBQ in TIL that the Slurpee was invented by accident when a Dairy Queen owner would provide frozen soda, from a cooler, to customers when his soda fountain would break down. The owner, Omar Knedlik, improvised the Icee machine out of car parts, which was eventually licensed by 7-11, to become the Slurpee. by jdward01
monsters, taquitos, and mw2 with the boys, that was my life every weekend for a hot minute. Shit I remember one summer the gang going on a rotation at everyone's house where time was just a suggestion and the main concern was entertainment 24/7 lol.
I dont even talk to any of those people anymore. Life is such a trip sometimes.
themagicbong t1_j9zj1ee wrote
Reply to comment by 888mainfestnow in Workers tasked with moving products in the U.S. food and beverage supply chain are at a high risk of severe injuries and fatalities — Grocery wholesalers and grocery retail stores saw the highest number of injuries, followed closely by the warehousing and storage groups by marketrent
Even WITH drugs, if you ever talk to those kinds of people often you hear how many of them became addicts by taking their medication as prescribed. Like, as directed. Still ended up with a lovely lil opiate addiction as a result of something like even a workplace injury. Happened to me, I built my back very incorrectly from working wrong and got into painkillers. I've also seen that happen with guys I've worked with. Some people can maintain a functional life while spiraling down and it's not always that quick of a fall. Which can be like watching a trainwreck that began crashing a long ass time ago.
Then, while programs exist to get help at subsidized rates or even free of cost, they often don't seem to have great success rates for many reasons, chief among them being that the rules generally don't line up with medical science. They line up with whatever makes whoever is giving the money happy. Leads to situations where one day you go in to get your meds like you always do, but this time they say there's an issue. You see, you missed the group meeting, where everyone sits around swapping war stories about their times on drugs. Your doctor agrees that it's detrimental to your future sobriety, but you signed a contract stating you wouldn't miss group meetings. So even though you thought you'd be getting 30 days of medicine today, actually, you're getting nothing. Come back in a month to readmit into the program. If your doctor tries to intervene on your behalf, they might lose their medical license, and the clinic could have it's funding pulled.
Edit: just wanna say, that last situation I mentioned is how people die. I knew a woman who was in the same program I was in, and that exact scenario I described happened to both of us on the same day, and neither of us had ever so much as failed a piss test. I was luckily able to find another doctor and another program, but the woman wasn't as lucky, and she had overdosed by the end of the week.
themagicbong t1_j9y2b9v wrote
Reply to comment by patco81 in Study Finds Venus’ ‘Squishy’ Outer Shell May Be Resurfacing the Planet by burtzev
Yeah, all ten of em, for you. Good times.
Knowledge** is worth all the time in the world, though.
And just joking btw.
themagicbong t1_j9x5lwh wrote
Reply to comment by GoGaslightYerself in TIL residents of Tangier Island, 12 miles off the coast of Virginia, have remained so isolated they still speak a dialect similar to the original colonists from the 1700s by emily_9511
Fascinating, there is an incredibly similar sorta situation and accent here in NC, referred to as "high tider. This kinda thing is a bit more common than I thought. The common phrase to show off the accent, as it were, is
"High tide on the sound side"
Which becomes
"Hoi toide on the sound soide"
themagicbong t1_j9x590g wrote
Reply to TIL residents of Tangier Island, 12 miles off the coast of Virginia, have remained so isolated they still speak a dialect similar to the original colonists from the 1700s by emily_9511
Same here in NC, we have this accent called high tider that dates back to England centuries ago. I've shown people from England and have heard it really does sound incredibly similar. The settlers arrived near Beaufort, which is one of the oldest towns in NC if not the oldest, and they set up shop on Harkers Island/Down East. Parts didn't even have a connection to the mainland, or even electricity, until like, the 50s. That isolation has allowed the unique accent to still survive. I had teachers with that accent growing up. Took a long time to understand it when spoken quickly. Blackbeard also used to hang out in Beaufort, just as a fun aside.
themagicbong t1_j9mioot wrote
Reply to comment by wilow_wood in Wagon train on the highway, Houston TX, Feb 2023 by exec_director_doom
Deep north was better. How deep we talkin? Don't tell me Connecticut deep....
themagicbong t1_j9ds03d wrote
My showerhead has those all rubber so it takes literally a second just running a palm across the face to knock out any buildups that block the nozzles.
themagicbong t1_jcv8v0x wrote
Reply to comment by No-Wonder1139 in The photo that was the inspiration for Jamie Lee Curtis' character in EEAAO by woutomatic
Of course. Like how as a kid we all used to love watching SP on CC. Cartman calling kyle's mom a bitch, a classic.
Nah, Im joking, of course. I guess it can work for SOME titles, like LOTR for lord of the rings, WoW for world of warcraft, but its just not always universal. Or if its a newer one, maybe still include the full name for a bit.
Course, you don't HAVE to. I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, like some other guy in this thread was suggesting. Just might help people understand. Anyways gonna probably stop commenting in this thread now lmao. Wasn't trying to be rude w/ the joke, though.