Submitted by thepulloutmethod t3_11dnuid in washingtondc
thepulloutmethod t1_j7bal6m wrote
Reply to comment by VulcanVulcanVulcan in Mandatory Tip for Take-Out? by DCcatdad09
"People love to save money. More on this and other insights at 11."
thepulloutmethod t1_j7ba61n wrote
Reply to comment by VulcanVulcanVulcan in Mandatory Tip for Take-Out? by DCcatdad09
Do you tip when you buy stuff at the supermarket?
Does the labor of countless cashiers, inventory workers, stockers, butchers, and other staff mean nothing to you?
Of course it doesn't because you are the customer. You pay for the price of the product you are buying. The employer sets the price of the product and that should cover whatever wages they pay their employees.
This is how it works in every single country in every single industry, except for food and cosmetic service in the US.
thepulloutmethod t1_j7b9u92 wrote
Reply to comment by 1one1000two1thousand in Mandatory Tip for Take-Out? by DCcatdad09
We're the customers, not the employers. We don't decide wages.
thepulloutmethod t1_j7b9o4f wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mandatory Tip for Take-Out? by DCcatdad09
I categorically refuse to tip for carry out or fast casual sit-down dining.
thepulloutmethod t1_j5yxucg wrote
Reply to comment by sabzipolomahi in 15 year old arrested for eight carjackings by Swampoodle1984
I was just trying to get as much time in on Unreal Tournament (the original) as humanly possible. I don't think I'd even kissed a girl yet.
thepulloutmethod t1_j5ylujg wrote
If this guy doesn't deserve life in prison than I don't know what crime does. He murdered the victim in cold blood, broad daylight, right in front of his young children.
This deal is an absolute embarrassment.
thepulloutmethod t1_j4yuypu wrote
Reply to comment by DCTom in Excise tax insanity at the DMV... More than the cost of the vehicle! by abovethe_clouds
They're collectors items at this point. It's not easy to get your hands on a pickup with bench seats and a stick shift nowadays.
thepulloutmethod t1_ivi42kl wrote
Reply to comment by CriticalStrawberry in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
9am start time, 15 minute commute door to door. I shower before bed so all I need to do is brush my teeth, quick snack, and get dressed.
thepulloutmethod t1_ivi289f wrote
Reply to comment by CriticalStrawberry in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
What about those of us who walk our dogs and ride our bikes before work...and take our kids to school.
thepulloutmethod t1_j93bh06 wrote
Reply to comment by BrightThru2014 in Armed Robbery Outside Eliot-Hine Middle School by AndreTippettPoint
Yeah I was gonna say...every time Waze alerts me to a speed camera I slow the fuck down and drive like grandma. You only need to get one of those lovely camera citations in the mail to change your behavior. It works.