Submitted by therealDrA t3_yg7him in RhodeIsland
therealDrA t1_itnnq22 wrote
Reply to comment by Moelarrycheeze in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
Oh please not same at all. The better comparison is Putin as Hitler.
therealDrA t1_itm33yo wrote
Reply to comment by SuddenlySimple in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
No he didn't. Put down the Fox News crack pipe.
therealDrA t1_ithw7ax wrote
Reply to comment by SuddenlySimple in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
He is using some of Biden's covid dollars to help out the needy. He is not lowering your rates nor does he have the power to.
therealDrA t1_ithvntb wrote
Reply to comment by SoftwareDev401 in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
Yuck. What an embarrassment to our state Fung is.
therealDrA t1_ithrjl1 wrote
Reply to comment by Moelarrycheeze in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
We can't let Russia conquer an independent democracy.
therealDrA t1_ithgb2f wrote
Reply to comment by Moelarrycheeze in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
I think Putin is the problem
therealDrA t1_ith59ca wrote
Reply to comment by growupandblowawayy in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
Under his eye
therealDrA t1_itgs0gt wrote
Reply to comment by sriracha_Salad in Can anyone explain Ashley Marie Kalus's energy policy? by sriracha_Salad
Yes, this is a major limitation in New England. Kalus is a stupid right wing hack.
therealDrA t1_itgrlsu wrote
Her son put it together for a school project.
therealDrA t1_it8j6ly wrote
Allan Fung: 1) corrupt (remember Ticketgate), 2) bad mayor (left Cranston crumbling and in debt), 3) anti-choice (opposed 2018 RI abortion protection bill), and 4) full MAGAt (loves Trump and Kevin McCarthy).
therealDrA OP t1_it7ogan wrote
Reply to comment by Disastrous-Actuator1 in What are some favorite village/town shopping areas with Autumn and Halloween locally made goods in RI? by therealDrA
Thank you😁
therealDrA t1_it7o39m wrote
Reply to Best Lobster Bisque! by VolvoKid19
Iggy's. Creamy, flavorful, and has some chunks of lobster but not too many...I like the balance.
therealDrA OP t1_it52non wrote
Reply to comment by Disastrous-Actuator1 in What are some favorite village/town shopping areas with Autumn and Halloween locally made goods in RI? by therealDrA
Any farms or orchards with spectacular caramel apples?
therealDrA t1_it40jnx wrote
Reply to comment by Minimum-Key6425 in Is West Warwick that bad? by an000nymous
Well that isn't reassuring.
therealDrA t1_isl2cex wrote
Reply to comment by MurrayMyBoy in Best town for us? by MurrayMyBoy
Good call! Hope you decide on RI; it is a special place. Be aware that the East bay has some flood zones (but I love the East bay) and is quite liberal. The Western part of the state is remarkably conservative politically.
therealDrA t1_isje02z wrote
Reply to Best town for us? by MurrayMyBoy
Maryland is too hot and is too expensive. RI more affordable housing than MA and a great quirky little state. Best beaches in northeast. A transplant's (from Los Angeles originally) take.
therealDrA t1_irh54fi wrote
The road to Gilead is paved with Fung, McCarthy, and Trump
therealDrA t1_irh0kgo wrote
Reply to comment by anal_gland_expressor in 12 News/RWU Poll: Fung leads Magaziner in race for Congress by GhostOpera406
If the repugs take back the house, they will never give it back ever, and Allan Fung would be part of that.
therealDrA t1_irg1myx wrote
Reply to comment by trabblepvd in 12 News/RWU Poll: Fung leads Magaziner in race for Congress by GhostOpera406
Trump lost CD2 by 14 points
therealDrA OP t1_irf3fth wrote
Reply to comment by william1Bastard in Does anyone else think the Allan Fung ads are terrible? by therealDrA
Cranston resident here. Never voted for him. Cranston has liberal pockets and nice areas. Sorry about Fung...he is an embarrasment.
therealDrA OP t1_ird54pu wrote
Reply to comment by Pleasant_Creme6522 in Election 2022 Update: Magaziner goes after GOP on Social Security by therealDrA
So what are Republicans doing for the working class? What did you get from Trump? Or is it just about making sure people of color and gays (many of whom are working class) are treated as second class citizens and women are forced to give birth?
therealDrA t1_iu5ekrs wrote
Reply to Fall time in Rhode Island (OC) by MethLabForCutie88
Autumn in New England is awesome. Beautiful pic.