therealDrA OP t1_janpd2b wrote
Reply to comment by darekta in Best fried oysters in RI? by therealDrA
therealDrA OP t1_jal4p5d wrote
Reply to comment by jonsmith4517 in Best fried oysters in RI? by therealDrA
Thanks! Have you tried them?
therealDrA OP t1_jal1i3o wrote
Reply to comment by PigpenMcKernan in Best fried oysters in RI? by therealDrA
Love oysters rockefeller as well.. thanks!
therealDrA OP t1_jakyuam wrote
Reply to comment by le127 in Best fried oysters in RI? by therealDrA
therealDrA OP t1_jakvtbo wrote
Reply to comment by koopolil in Best fried oysters in RI? by therealDrA
I appreciate oysters prepared in many ways, I can't believe nobody fries them here.
therealDrA OP t1_jakvlxb wrote
Reply to comment by Sleuthiestofsleuths in Best fried oysters in RI? by therealDrA
Is that the royal "we" or are you speaking for RI?
Submitted by therealDrA t3_11fovyp in RhodeIsland
therealDrA t1_ja8pa4k wrote
Reply to comment by FIFAFanboy2023 in What do you think is the most underrated town/city in Rhode Island? by OkRestaurant8777
therealDrA t1_ja87t78 wrote
Reply to comment by FIFAFanboy2023 in What do you think is the most underrated town/city in Rhode Island? by OkRestaurant8777
Yuck. I am probably the least Florida person I know. I won't visit that shithole. What could possibly give you Florida vibes in Cranston?
therealDrA t1_ja6p2s7 wrote
Cranston. We have Garden City and Pawtuxet Village, and historic Edgewood, Roger Williams Park. Just ignore the west part and you have a gem. Also borders Providence so never far from the city.
therealDrA t1_ja6ohyd wrote
Reply to comment by FlashbackBob in What do you think is the most underrated town/city in Rhode Island? by OkRestaurant8777
I love Bristol!
therealDrA t1_j9zo7ew wrote
Reply to comment by subtle_likeatrex in Stuff to do today? by Bobbito95
Sounds yummy! I need to try it.
therealDrA t1_j9zmyr2 wrote
Reply to comment by subtle_likeatrex in Stuff to do today? by Bobbito95
therealDrA t1_j9qsn30 wrote
Reply to Superman from across the river by RI_Photog
therealDrA t1_j9h01ss wrote
Duh! Trillo didn't run in primary. Patricia Morgan did. No voters went to Gina based on Trillo's talking points about Fung I can assure you.So if she had 50+, Trillo was not a factor
therealDrA t1_j9gpt9g wrote
Reply to comment by SweatyCockroach8212 in David Cicilline to resign from Congress to lead Rhode Island Foundation by rhodyjourno
What does this have to do with correlation and/or causation? It is arithmetic. All challengers combined received 47% of the vote. Even if Fung got all Trillo votes he would have lost.Trillo was not a factor.
therealDrA t1_j9gdam0 wrote
Reply to comment by boulevardofdef in David Cicilline to resign from Congress to lead Rhode Island Foundation by rhodyjourno
And getting millions from the house GOP election fund. Fung is such a loser.
therealDrA t1_j9gd7db wrote
Reply to comment by neojoe039 in David Cicilline to resign from Congress to lead Rhode Island Foundation by rhodyjourno
Raimondo received 53% of the vote so he was not a factor.
therealDrA t1_j8qeek7 wrote
Reply to comment by Kelruss in Thoughts on speed-bumps around the city? by TartProfessional246
And ban monster gas guzzling trucks
therealDrA t1_j8qb6cd wrote
Reply to comment by AHoneyNamedRenee in Costco? by AHoneyNamedRenee
I miss Phred's so much.
therealDrA t1_j89rgpg wrote
Reply to comment by GotenRocko in Eclipse or Autocrat? by SageFrancisSFR
Yes, had a hydrant replaced across street and it was nasty. It continued to be light yellow for over a week. Regarding service lines from main to house, the city will replace at no cost to home owner. This is from President Obama's legislation years ago.
therealDrA t1_j7zezly wrote
Reply to comment by ihatemakingids in This week in a nutshell by After-Yesterday-684
Summer is the worst!
therealDrA t1_j7ejk3p wrote
Reply to comment by FawmahRhoDyelindah in Marilyn Monroe said it best 👩🏼 #401wx 🌡️ by WeatherInRI
I lived in the 818 from 1970s to 2003 before moving to Hollywood from 2003-2016. The valley was getting more and more brutal in the 1990s..Hollywood was usually 10 degrees cooler but still brutal. I am a weather junkie and monitor my former is getting hotter and you are getting more humidity..not as bad as out east..but humidity was a thing maybe a day or two a year when I was growing up but I have noticed LA is getting muggy days more frequently. The Pacific ocean is getting warmer. RI is getting much warmer too. We have only had one measurable snow storm all season (in Dec). It was 50 degrees today and most of February is predicted to be similar. The summers are brutal...many more plus 90-95 days with high dew points and lows above 75. The locals say winters are nothing like before and summer's heat waves (four days of 90+ weather) are more frequent. Climate change sucks
therealDrA t1_j77p68a wrote
Reply to comment by februarytide- in Marilyn Monroe said it best 👩🏼 #401wx 🌡️ by WeatherInRI
Depends where you live in LA...the San Fernando Valley is hotter but the westside and downtown/hollywood is cooler. Was born and lived in LA on both sides of "the hill" until I was 46. The beaches rarely go above 80.
therealDrA OP t1_janpgqg wrote
Reply to comment by Diligent-Pizza8128 in Best fried oysters in RI? by therealDrA