theveryrealreal t1_j9og5p6 wrote
Reply to Curiosity killed the... by LoudlyTrashy
He looks ok.
theveryrealreal t1_j9gjzx7 wrote
Was one of them found by the side of a highway or near an Amazon warehouse? I quickly have learned to stop drinking those.
theveryrealreal t1_j8y4dx0 wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisRuss86 in PsBattle: This blue bird falling. by Rauntu
I heard he actually used to be a bluebird.
theveryrealreal t1_j8y43xf wrote
Reply to "Wink" - digital, me, 2022 by robo_capybara
The finger boob kind of bothers me.
theveryrealreal t1_j8y3fyo wrote
It's great. I think the transverse black motion lines hitting the right thigh are too harsh imo.
theveryrealreal t1_j8j1q8k wrote
Reply to comment by MejorQueNada in PsBattle: figure skaters by whenssmokocunt
I don't know how he manages to keep those pants so clean.
theveryrealreal t1_j8fbwad wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: Corporate event introducing a new yogurt by aguslucas
Urine samples and one in back is stool sample - you're welcome.
theveryrealreal t1_j8eq7m5 wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: Pike and Dangle (Production Photo from Reno911/Star Trek) by qmechan
Star trek shirt with those shorts would be killer outfit.
theveryrealreal t1_j88hi86 wrote
Reply to comment by snoop__loops in llama cat by lanquacks
Llama cat
theveryrealreal t1_j88hfxn wrote
Reply to comment by scat-lickin-trap in llama cat by lanquacks
Yes but not popular due to the spitting
theveryrealreal t1_j7pc88s wrote
Missed opportunity to use castle pens
theveryrealreal t1_j7n77nn wrote
Reply to comment by xprmntng in PsBattle: Dog face underwater by Jpaylay42016
Do you like giving people nightmares because you're giving people nightmares.
theveryrealreal t1_j7n73ls wrote
Reply to comment by artunitinc in PsBattle: Dog face underwater by Jpaylay42016
Looks cool now but in 20 dog years you'll get a law suit from that dog that's embarrassed that everyone saw his tongue.
theveryrealreal t1_j7mhxbt wrote
Reply to comment by kispingvin in Early meal, me, pixel art, 2023 by kispingvin
Well I dig the message, keep it going you are on to something
theveryrealreal t1_j7ldoav wrote
Reply to Early meal, me, pixel art, 2023 by kispingvin
This is so weird. I love it. What was inspiration?
I would play this game.
theveryrealreal t1_j774kgw wrote
Reply to comment by i_am_a_bot_ama in PsBattle: This LEGO banana by zapotecOrmosia
Thanks, I imagined this was much larger.
theveryrealreal t1_j6pezjs wrote
Grammar is power
theveryrealreal t1_j6pdjoc wrote
Extra points for the image resolution!! Can anyone get any reading done there with all the critters?
theveryrealreal t1_j6ouf3m wrote
Reply to comment by OneUpExtraLife in 40 year old pancake mix from Kmart - fully sealed by OneUpExtraLife
Some of the best corn syrup was harvested in the 80s
theveryrealreal t1_j6on59z wrote
Reply to They serve beer at this Taco Bel by Natural-Army
I don't think I could handle having to decide between this and Baja blast.
theveryrealreal t1_j6oacu1 wrote
Reply to comment by JustifiedMisanthrope in 40 year old pancake mix from Kmart - fully sealed by OneUpExtraLife
It is now ready for consumption. Mix with some aged cream and cook yourself up an exquisite flap jack.
theveryrealreal t1_j6nprvr wrote
Reply to Going home, me, photograph, 2022 by Green_hippo17
I thought powerline pictures on reddit had to have different colors spliced in between the lines?
theveryrealreal t1_j6nonpy wrote
Reply to The way the cat looks at the person filming. It’s your fault this is here. by IkilledRichieWhelan
I felt guilty just watching this
theveryrealreal t1_j6naeyh wrote
There is far too little underboob in these times of ours.
theveryrealreal t1_j9oggsc wrote
Reply to Self Portrait as a Mountain, Me, Colored Pencil, 2019 by Asmallrock
You look like you'd rather be something else. Left calf looks a bit amputated