thinkmoreharder t1_jebzb7s wrote
Reply to Jimmy Buffet and friends? 1970’s, maybe early 80’s. He may have his Hush Puppies on. by Dealhunter73
Accountant and road manager?
thinkmoreharder t1_jebyegc wrote
Party on, Garth.
thinkmoreharder t1_jebxx6m wrote
Reply to Me in 1995, looking like 1975 by RobertFahey
Lead singer of an Australian one-hit-wonder band on MTV, back when music videos were a thing.
thinkmoreharder t1_jebw9ks wrote
Reply to Christopher Lloyd and Christopher Walken in the stage production of Macbeth at the Lincoln Centre, New York, 1974. by _EuXioM_
Macbeth (Walken) So faaawall and faiya a day… I have … not seen.
Banquo (Lloyd aka Jim) Uuuuuuhhhhh…How far is't called to Forres?
thinkmoreharder t1_je39tz0 wrote
Reply to Lea Thompson in the 1980s makes me contemplate about me being born in the wrong era by [deleted]
You’re gonna wanna watch All the Right Moves, where she plays Tom cruise’s girlfriend.
thinkmoreharder t1_jdwqaho wrote
Reply to Sigmund and the sea monsters 1970s by steroidamoeba
Sid and Marty Kroft were definitely tripping. And I know the entire HR Puffnstuff theme song.
thinkmoreharder t1_jap19p0 wrote
Reply to comment by va_str in US public investment in critical research contributed to the success of mRNA Covid vaccines, and saved millions of lives by geoxol
If paid for with tax money, I’d be open to all of us voting on that. If paid with private money, taking the profit would stop people from investing in new drugs, so that could be damanging to society.
thinkmoreharder t1_jan1chn wrote
Reply to US public investment in critical research contributed to the success of mRNA Covid vaccines, and saved millions of lives by geoxol
If a country’s govt paid for the research, then citizens of that country should get the drug at cost of manufacturing and distribution; approximately the cost of an average generic drug. The taxpayers of the country that paid should also recrive royalties on profits from foreign sales of the product they paid to develop. EDIT: maybe my comment should be in/economics.
thinkmoreharder t1_j9y8kjh wrote
Reply to my great uncle in i believe the 80s by litecanspam
He was your regular uncle until he picked off that rabbit at 350 yards and prepared a perfect Hasenpfeffer stew. Then he was your “great” uncle. ;)
thinkmoreharder t1_j7b9v8k wrote
Reply to In Monet's impressionist paintings, that dreamy haze is air pollution, study says by WouldbeWanderer
Like London Fog was actually coal dust. (I have heard)
thinkmoreharder t1_j6g2b0b wrote
Reply to Neil Young with Louis Avila. The caretaker of his ranch who inspired the song, "Old Man" 1970 by harleybug88
Neil is a great writer. I bet the old man is a better singer.
thinkmoreharder OP t1_j1qaqi0 wrote
Reply to comment by amy1705 in USB went in on first try! by thinkmoreharder
Uh oh. I feel like you assigned me a research project. 😀
thinkmoreharder t1_iz3982v wrote
Reply to comment by kingjulian28 in Study shows among low-income, predominantly Black neighborhoods, that inexpensive, straightforward abandoned housing remediation was directly linked to significant relative reductions in weapons violations and gun assaults, and suggestive reductions in shootings. by Respawan
Thank you. Not sure how I sped past that.
thinkmoreharder t1_iz19oxt wrote
Reply to Study shows among low-income, predominantly Black neighborhoods, that inexpensive, straightforward abandoned housing remediation was directly linked to significant relative reductions in weapons violations and gun assaults, and suggestive reductions in shootings. by Respawan
In this context, does remediation mean tear down or renovate? (I think tear down, but I can’t tell from the stury summary)
thinkmoreharder t1_jebzoyp wrote
Reply to comment by Darwin-Award-Winner in Cannes, 1958 by Shadowyisotropy25
“Don’t drink too much. Put some clothes on. You’ll catch your death.”