
this_shit t1_isa8e44 wrote

This guy is a byproduct of much more than city government. The city tried to fire him twice, but state law has created a system that makes it impossible to fire cops for almost any crimes.

The thing to understand is that the entire department is lousy with complete fuckups like this turd. 11% is out on 'long-term disability' (thanks again to state law) and over 800 clerical and office roles are filled by sworn officers -- many because they're too stupid/dangerous to do street work.

When you look at crime and dysfunction in Philadelphia it's hard to understate the pernicious influence of corrupting state laws imposed on Philly by an ideological group of rural Pennsylvanians dead set on making our city as dangerous and unlivable as possible. In the schools, taxes, parking, and here in policing it's just corrupt.