
thisoneisnotasbad t1_j81kkrm wrote

Not on 89 but I was at Best Buy in Williston headed back onto the road. Someone got pissed and break checks the car behind them. Guy didn’t notice and fucking plowed into the car destroying the backend.

I laughed because I assume the break check guy has the mistaken thought being rear ended makes the other person at fault and that is not the case.

The tldr; don’t drive like a dick.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7x55yo wrote

Sounds like they are trying to get out of some work. Like ohhh don’t worry about it. You can keep your end of life panels .... youre welcome.

I think you have the right attitude personally. Call them and be like come get your panels and patch the damn holes. If the holes leak after you patch them, you will be getting a call back.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7uc2kg wrote

Sorry forgot where I was for a minute. You can pick from the following:

I can insult you with made up facts then block you so you can't respond.

I can put words in your mouth and then respond to that.

I can infer your politics and make a direct comparison between you a Hitler or Putin.

I can make a joke about your sexual preference and then insist it's not really homophobic and it's about "power"

Just let me know, I'll try to do better next time.



thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7tvidx wrote

I go back and forth but that is my own issue with the legal system as setup. It seems to turns verdicts into a game.

Sleigh does give back a ton, he is at a human level a great guy, my issue is how he reconciles that with getting people who he knows are guilty as fuck off due to loopholes and gotchas in the legal system.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7tttiz wrote

Davis Sleigh is a savage defense lawyer and will probably get him off. The cop is lying through his teeth but since is no physical proof he will get an aquitial if they even bother to charge him at all.

> “In fact, what they’re saying is that the watches are the same (and) as far as I know, they have no proof of that at all, and so this really is a situation from my point of view, that innocent coincidence has led to this,”


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7rihl2 wrote

So unless there is a plan to go to war with the US military I don’t think it is a setup for a January 6th event. Domestic terrorists disable police with these robo calls, they then shoot up the power grid and then they?... do what.

Nothing they can do will change the laws in this country and at best they could prevent a transition or power for a day or two. If they already have the military on their side there is no reason to do these other shenanigans, they would just instigate a military coup.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7p73xu wrote

I didnt say if you can't afford to live here than leave. I said if you can't afford to move here than don't.

Big difference.

I grew up here. Dirt poor. It took me about 18 years to finally get a house to call a home. It sucked and took every penny I had for 12 of those years going to a building project.

Locals are not being priced out by locals. They are being priced out by people who consider affordable to be way beyond the means of someone who came up here. They are playing you my man. STR are not the enemy, the reason you can't afford a house is work from home folks with NYC income and who are moving to places like Cambridge or Fairfax.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7ozj0m wrote

Lots of people in this thread who are from out of state and now realize they can’t buy due to the shortage so they are looking to turn VT into wherever they came from by building new houses and jamming so many people in that the reasons that made them want to move here disappears.

Down vote away but stop trying to turn VT into CT or MA or NJ or NY so you can own a house here.

The STR discussions are a honeypot. A tiny amount of houses owned by more economically successful people than the ones complaining about it. You are been spoon fed an enemy that if you defeat will have near zero impact on the claimed cause and will honestly, not really impact the wallet of those with STR.

You can’t afford to buy a house here. Accept it. I can’t afford to buy a house In Hawaii or even costal Florida. I can’t afford a house in Boulder either. Maybe look to a place you can afford to live.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7mieh5 wrote

How many long term rentals did that net Burlington? I saw that law and thought it was a bad idea so I already have an opinion but do you know if there is data out there on its impact? I always prefer data over anecdote or opinion.

I’m trying to find data but can’t. I did find this though.

> He commented on the statistic given to council by city data that short-term rentals made up 1% of rentals in Burlington.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7i1ho1 wrote

Reply to Well Location by fkirwan82

Look at the deed for the house as well. I owned a place in Moretown for a little bit that got its water from about 1/2 mile away. Lots of underground plastic pipe to bring it in. Once the pipe broke underground and we found the spot by walking the path and looking for the new swampy area.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7ffmk8 wrote

You are comparing two completely different things. You are comparing a total abstinence program to a MAT (medical assisted therapy) program.

A better comparison would be the 60% success bupropion sees in opiate addicts.

I do agree AA is not the only method though. Whatever way you use to stay clean and sober is the right way to stay clean and sober.

Do you think your childhood association with directly associating god and religion has some bearing on your attitudes towards spiritual based recovery programs? I was lucky, I was not raised with any preconceived notions of god so when people say the word I don’t get defensive and associate it with Christianity.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7fa2yn wrote

I’m went from an atheist to agnostic but that had more to do with age than anything else. I decided the denial of something with absolute certainty as as arrogant as the insistence of it. I will say, I have come to realize the universe is stranger and more amazing than I can ever imagine or comprehend.

I don’t think any religion has is right but who knows.

Live your best life, do your best to not add pain and suffering into the world, help others less fortunate than you and treat people how they want to be treated and it doesn’t really matter what you believe.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7983gs wrote

I saw one of these today as well, it was not the purple but the brown and I also wondered what it was. I though maybe a junko but it was too big for that. At first I thought pigeon because of the size. If nobody here answers I have sent pictures to the UVM ornithology department and they have identified birds for me.