thisoneisnotasbad t1_je4e9tq wrote
Reply to comment by cjrecordvt in PSA: Starbucks on Shelburne Rd in South Burlington is only unionized Starbucks in VT by willynillyslide
Starbucks is a chain, Dunkin Donuts is a franchise. Different business model.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je4e0fw wrote
Reply to comment by fjphil in PSA: Starbucks on Shelburne Rd in South Burlington is only unionized Starbucks in VT by willynillyslide
> but the social commentary from people that have no idea on what they are talking about is tiring.
Hi, first day in this sub? Welcome. It’s fun here.... don’t take any of it seriously. Most of these people are not even from Vermont.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je4dk9c wrote
Reply to comment by smokeythemechanic in Why Is My Ben and Jerry's Made In the Netherlands? by thediscjoker
We skip the Keurig because it is shit coffee. Same result, different reason.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je4cz6p wrote
Reply to comment by VermontRox in Court grants Slate Ridge owner an extension to demolish school building by RamaSchneider
He is not getting special treatment. If you look at any number of zoning violations which have made it as far as court cases and state intervention, extensions and delays are the norm, not the exception. This is mostly because the other option is the state going on private land and doing something. What is the state going to do, send in the demo crew to take down an outbuilding and incur the legal risk of doing so? Not to mention, no matter who the person is the headlines of “state bulldozes private structures as owner tries to raise money to appeal” or some such headline baiting bullshit will cause an outcry.
Septic fixes, out building permits, setback violations, all sorts of shit gets a pass. The state has a loud bark and tiny bite on zoning issue.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je4ci4s wrote
Reply to Vermont cannabis grower pays heavy fine after posting Instagram video of New York delivery by RamaSchneider
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Why would you put that video online. NY does not have a legal market yet.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je0y59z wrote
Reply to comment by VermontArmyBrat in Why Is My Ben and Jerry's Made In the Netherlands? by thediscjoker
In 2020 Unilever became a fully British company.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je0oe5s wrote
Reply to comment by Room07 in Why Is My Ben and Jerry's Made In the Netherlands? by thediscjoker
No, in 2020 it adopted a fully British.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je0njhg wrote
Reply to comment by amoebashephard in Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
If you offered a removal service you would be booked out forever. Don't offer to pay for removal at all. Having been battling it for about 35 years I still have not found a good method for total eradication. Shit always comes back.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je0jnd6 wrote
Reply to Harvested Knotweed cane sellers by amoebashephard
How can you make any money by paying 50 cents per pound and turning it into pellets when a bag of pellets that weighs 40 lbs costs $8
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je018l4 wrote
Reply to comment by happyonthehill802 in Vermont Vehicle Inspection by marxatemyacid
It has changed a bit in the past few years. It got super strict like fail if the backup camera does not or the tire pressure sensors don't work..Scott has it relaxed to be a bit more reasonable.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdztrma wrote
Reply to comment by happyonthehill802 in Vermont Vehicle Inspection by marxatemyacid
That is false. Read the guide. Fail with a standard, tell the owner with an automatic.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdzmpfn wrote
Reply to Vermont Vehicle Inspection by marxatemyacid
On a standard they will fail you. On an automatic they just advise you it is not working.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdzm619 wrote
Reply to comment by walterbernardjr in Why Is My Ben and Jerry's Made In the Netherlands? by thediscjoker
Unilever is a British company actually.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdzfjpt wrote
Reply to comment by kosmonautinVT in What're the most popular commonly attended Concerts annually in Vermont? (e.g. Any big festivals, events, etc.) by dejmur1
Grand point north is done. Grace hast done it since covid and she is not doing it again this year. Was fun while it lasted though.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdwvxkw wrote
Reply to comment by Random_Jabroni864 in Costco rant by [deleted]
What? Why would I constantly be looking behind my back?
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdvbwxj wrote
Reply to comment by Random_Jabroni864 in Costco rant by [deleted]
You laugh but it starts with little things. The road to giving up your right to privacy is paved with the phrase, if you have nothing to hide why do you care. Little by little business chips away and one day you look up and realize you have given a private company access into your personal life.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jduv7qz wrote
Reply to comment by bibliophile222 in Do you all think Town Meeting Days are good? by splishysplash123
Exactly. Town meeting was designed around a time when the majority of the state was engaged in agriculture. Not a ton doing in the world of farming in the first week of March.
The most truly democratic thing is ballot with universal mail in voting.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdupx5z wrote
Reply to comment by bibliophile222 in Do you all think Town Meeting Days are good? by splishysplash123
It only helps if you work for the state or the reason you can’t attend is school related. For the other large percent of people, taking a random Tuesday off work is not an option. Town meeting under represents economically disadvantaged populations and only allows you a voice if you are privileged enough to miss a day of work.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdt7sjy wrote
Reply to Any advice? by Log_Myri33
Look at a broadband map before you move. Much of that part of the state is served by slow internet and as you are working from home it will be a factor. If your work from home gig ends, you will not be able to find high paying professional work in the area.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jds6iw2 wrote
Our town has gone full Australian ballot and the polls are open 7 to 7.
This is much better then the extremely regressive previous iteration done during normal business hours.
It started as a valid form of local government but I no longer believe it is one.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdrt4zp wrote
Reply to comment by WhatTheCluck802 in Those of you who have laying hens, what do you do with the chicks who turn out to be roosters? Is there a local butcher who will dispatch them for a fee? I don’t mind eating them at all but don’t have any experience doing it myself and wouldn’t want to cause undue harm due to my inexperience by JMChaseArt
This is the proper way to slaughter chickens.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdqf51p wrote
Reply to comment by Lundgren_pup in Costco rant by [deleted]
The biggest difference is at Costco you agree to let them look at your receipt. At Walmart my common reply after self checkout when asked “can I see your receipt?” is “no thank you” and to keep walking.
We have so few basic civil liberties left there is no fucking chance in hell I will agree to let some giant retail operation infringe of them.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdnhdxo wrote
Reply to Looking for advice on talking with town clerk and zoning administrator about a build on acreage by SexyEdMeese
My approach has been, get permit, do work. The town can fuck right off once the permit is issued.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_jdm10vz wrote
Reply to comment by P-Money in Curious about the “GOOD FOR WHO” house on 7 in Brandon - anyone know the story? by ranaparvus
I love the downvotes that come with this but I still post it because I have not yet found a place to turn Reddit internet points into money.
Sometimes, I even toss a couple errors in the post to up the troll level a little.
thisoneisnotasbad t1_je4em2u wrote
Reply to comment by smokeythemechanic in Why Is My Ben and Jerry's Made In the Netherlands? by thediscjoker
Like I said, I don’t drink it because it tastes like shit.
We are really at the stage, and unless you are secretly a billionaire, where every cent we spend eventually ends up in the hands of a corporation that does shitty things and sucks.